Documentation changes

This page lists significant changes made to the Adobe Target product documentation.


|July 10|Proxy Configuration (Java)|Added new section: On-Device Decisioning|
|June 3|Priority|Updated entire topic, including indicating that content from multiple Form-Based Experience Composer and VEC activities can deliver. Previously, only one activity from the form-based workflow could deliver. There is no longer a limit to the number of form-based activities that can deliver.|
|May 17|Troubleshooting issues related to the Enhanced Experience Composer|Added additional IP addresses that you can allowlist when using the Enhanced Experience Composer.|
|May 8|Target reporting in Adobe Customer Journey Analytics|New article: Added information about the Target integration with Adobe Customer Journey Analytics.|
|April 30|Troubleshooting issues related to the Enhanced Experience Composer|Updated the list of IP addresses for Adobe’s server used for the EEC proxy to allowlist.|
|April 23|Target release notes (current)|Added information explaining Google’s plan to start disabling extensions created using Manifest V2. Adobe recommends that customers move to the new Visual Editing Helper extension as soon as possible.|
|April 23|Visual Experience Composer helper extension|Updated the Important note at the top of the page explaining Google’s plan to start disabling extensions created using Manifest V2, which includes the extension documented in this article. Adobe recommends that customers move to the new Visual Editing Helper extension as soon as possible.|
|April 9|Troubleshooting issues related to the Visual Experience Composer|Updated the following section:

  • My page does not display in the VEC (VEC only)
  • Issues caused by CSS conflicts in the Visual Experience Composer

Personalization Insights reports
Allowlist Target edge nodes
The impact of third-party cookie deprecation on Target (at.js)
