Documentation changes
This page lists significant changes made to the Adobe Target product documentation.
Target Standard/Premium 25.3.1 (March 3, 2025)
March 11
Added release notes for the Target Standard/Premium 25.3.5 release.
March 7
Added release notes for the Target Standard/Premium 25.3.4 release.
March 6
Added release notes for the Target Standard/Premium 25.3.2 release.
March 3
Added release notes for the Target Standard/Premium 25.3.1 release.
Target Standard/Premium 25.2.1 (February 17, 2025)
February 26
Added information for the following releases:
- Target Standard/Premium 25.2.3 (February 26, 2025)
- at.js version version 2.11.7 (February 26, 2025)
Added information for the at.js version version 2.11.7 (February 26, 2025) release.
Updated the Activity QA bookmarklet for at.js 2.x.
February 13
Changed the Target Standard/Premium 25.2.1 user interface update release to February 17, 2025.
February 12
Updated entire topic to explain the updated VEC introduced in the Target Standard/Premium 25.2.1 release (February 12, 2025).
Added information about which browsers are supporting in a Target implementation using the Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK.
New article to explain the differences between the previous and updated versions of the VEC.
Added release notes for the Target Standard/Premium 25.2.1 user interface update (scheduled for February 17, 2025). Many articles were updated to reflect the UI changes.
Target Standard/Premium 25.1.1 (January 9, 2025)
January 27
Added prerelease notes for the following updates:
- Activities user interface update (February 6, 2025)
- Recommendations user interface update (February 7, 2025)
January 22
The new Visual Editing Helper Extension now supports Private Chrome Web Stores. A note was removed indicating that customers using Private Chrome Web Stores continue using the legacy Visual Experience Composer helper extension.
January 7
Added release notes for the Offers Library user interface update (scheduled for January 9, 2025). All Offers articles were updated to reflect the UI changes.