Frequently asked questions

What are the prerequisites for using Analysis Workspace?
Using Analysis Workspace in Customer Journey Analytics requires a working Customer Journey Analytics implementation. Make sure that your organization is sending data to the Adobe Experience Platform before using the application.
What are the Administration and access requirements for Analysis Workspace?
See Administration Requirements.
Does the use of Analysis Workspace affect data collection?
Since Analysis Workspace is a reporting tool, it has no impact on data collection. There are no repercussions to indiscriminately dragging components into a project to see what works. Drag different combinations of dimensions and metrics into your workspace project to see what is available to you. If you accidentally drag an invalid component to your workspace project, or you would like to go back a step, press ctrl+z (Windows) or cmd+z (macOS) to undo the last action. You can also start with a clean slate. To do so, select Project > New from the Workspace menu.
How do I implement Analysis Workspace?
No special implementation is required. Analysis Workspace is available to all companies that have access to Customer Journey Analytics. However, standard permissions to content (such as project components) apply, and for curating and sharing projects. See Administration and Access Requirements.
How can I optimize performance of Analysis Workspace?
See Optimizing Performance.