Add component descriptions
- Topics:
- Components
- Admin
Descriptions help users know how to use the various components when building projects in Analysis Workspace or when viewing reports.
Customer Journey Analytics administrators can add descriptions for components (dimensions, metrics, filters, and date Ranges) within a data view or using the Data Dictionary.
Add descriptions in a Data view
You can add a description to a component you have added to your data view. See Component settings.
Add descriptions using the Data Dictionary
The Data Dictionary in Analysis Workspace helps both users and administrators keep track of and better understand the components in their Customer Journey Analytics environment. The Data Dictionary includes the ability, for administrators, to add component descriptions directly within Analysis Workspace.
For information about adding a component description in the data dictionary, see Edit component entries in the Data Dictionary.
For general information about the Data Dictionary, see the Data Dictionary overview.
Customer Journey Analytics
- Adobe Customer Journey Analytics Guide
- AI Assistant for Adobe Customer Journey Analytics
- Release Notes
- Getting Started
- Customer Journey Analytics and Adobe Analytics
- Data Ingestion
- Connections
- Data Views
- Tools
- Workspace projects
- Analysis Workspace overview
- Perform basic analysis
- Perform advanced analysis
- Projects
- Templates
- Visualizations
- Panels
- Curate, Share and Schedule projects
- Export
- Anomaly Detection
- Forecasting
- Table of contents
- User preferences
- Workspace FAQs and more
- Analytics dashboards
- Guided analysis
- Components
- Overview
- Use components in Analysis Workspace
- Add component descriptions
- Annotations
- Scheduled projects
- Audiences
- Dimensions
- Metrics
- Filters
- Calculated metrics
- Overview
- Calculated metrics workflow
- Create calculated metrics
- Build calculated metrics
- Find metrics
- Metric type and attribution
- Build a participation metric
- Filtered metrics
- Stack and replace filters
- Filter calculated metrics
- Mark calculated metrics as favorites
- Copy calculated metrics
- Use functions
- Tag calculated metrics
- Approve calculated metrics
- Share calculated metrics
- Manage calculated metrics
- Examples
- Calculated metrics templates
- Basic functions
- Advanced functions
- Date ranges
- Alerts
- Exports
- Data Dictionary
- Report Builder
- Reporting Activity Manager
- Stitching
- Adobe integrations
- Data Governance
- Use cases
- Labs
- Troubleshooting
- Tech notes
- Customer Journey Analytics API