Current Adobe Customer Journey Analytics release notes (October 2024)

Last update: October 15, 2024

These release notes cover the release period of October 2, 2024 to October 22, 2024. Adobe Customer Journey Analytics releases operate on a continuous delivery model, which allows for a more scalable, phased approach to feature deployment. Accordingly, these release notes get updated several times a month. Please check them regularly.

New or updated features

Rollout starts
General Availability
Asset Transfer
Lets you transfer ownership of components such as projects, filters, and calculated metrics to other users to ensure continuity and appropriate access. Learn more
October 15
Guided analysis: Embed in Workspace
Guided analysis is now available directly in Analysis Workspace, enabling users to create dashboards with comprehensive insights from panels, visualizations, and guided analyses. From a new left rail section, you can create new guided analyses to add to your projects. You can also access saved guided analyses that can be re-used as building blocks across many projects.
October 2, 2024
October 31, 2024
Product usage
See how your organization uses Customer Journey Analytics. Enabling this feature creates a dataset in Adobe Experience Platform that collects data when anyone in your organization uses Analysis Workspace. A connection and a data view are also automatically created, giving you access to dimensions like top project types, most active users, and most popular components used in projects. Learn more
October 23, 2024
January, 2025
Journey canvas visualization

Journey canvas is a visualization in Analysis workspace that allows you to analyze how people proceed through or fall out of a defined journey. Build analyses of user journeys by creating a flexible graph of nodes and arrows representing any combination of events, dimension items, and filters. Drag nodes on the canvas to rearrange the events and conditions of the journey. As you do, data updates accordingly.

Customers with access to Adobe Journey Optimizer can analyze existing Journey Optimizer journeys.

To learn more about Journey canvas, see Journey canvas overview.

To learn how to build a Journey canvas visualization, see Configure Journey canvas.

October 2, 2024
October 14, 2024
Panel filters and column filters are now included when creating an audience

When creating an audience from a visualization within Analysis Workspace, panel filters and column filters are now included as additional criteria. If the filters aren’t needed, they can be removed prior to publishing the audience. Previously, any filters applied to the panel or to the column of a visualization in Analysis Workspace were ignored when creating an audience.

For information about how to create an audience from Customer Journey Analytics, see Create and publish audiences.

October 2, 2024

Fixes in Customer Journey Analytics

AN-354085; AN-355870; AN-356037; AN-356881; AN-357100; AN-358193; AN-358364; AN-358911; AN-359000; AN-359160

Important notices for Customer Journey Analytics Administrators

Notice added or updated