Current Adobe Analytics release notes (March 2025 release)

Last update: March 12, 2025

These release notes cover the release period of March 5 through May 2025. Adobe Analytics releases operate on a continuous delivery model, which allows for a more scalable, phased approach to feature deployment. Accordingly, these release notes get updated several times a month. Please check them regularly.

New features or enhancements features

Rollout starts
General Availability
Update to Analytics context data field a.locale

This update changes how the Analytics context data field a.locale is set when collecting data via Experience Edge. When data is sent to Adobe Analytics using Experience Edge, Analytics fields are populated based on a mapping of XDM fields. The mapping for c.a.locale references a non-standard XDM field, xdm.environment.language. This field will be updated to reference the correct field, xdm.environment._dc.language.

The mapping will continue to reference xdm.environment.language for backwards compatibility. For continuity, if both fields are set, xdm.environment.language takes precedence. You can view the full list of mappings from XDM to standard Analytics fields here.

March 5, 2025
Customer Journey Analytics upgrade guide

Lets you generate a step-by-step guide for upgrading from Adobe Analytics to Customer Journey Analytics. This guide is tailored to your organization and takes into consideration your current Adobe Analytics environment, your intended uses for Customer Journey Analytics, and any time-saving tradeoffs your organization wants to make.

To start generating your custom guide, log in to Customer Journey Analytics, then select Upgrade to Customer Journey Analytics on the Workspace tab.

Learn more

March 11, 2025
Data Warehouse-only dimensions

Starting in May 2025, Adobe will begin setting dimensions (custom variables such as eVars and props) which exhibit extremely high cardinality to ‘Data Warehouse-only’. High-cardinality variables have many distinct values; examples include timestamps or UUIDs. These dimensions will no longer be available for reporting in Analysis Workspace.

Candidates for this change are dimensions that exceed the low-traffic limits very early in the month. With these types of dimensions, reports in Analysis Workspace which are based on that dimension are not useful because the reportable data represents only a thin slice of the initial values that were collected.

Since Data Warehouse does not impose low-traffic limits, you can still build useful reports or segments based on these types of dimensions.

May 2025

Fixes in Adobe Analytics

Activity Map: AN-361038
Admin Tools: AN-362178; AN-369483
Analytics API 1.4: AN-369615
Analysis Workspace: AN-353491; AN-363403; AN-367230; AN-367313; AN-368582; AN-369821; AN-370227;
Classifications: AN-369848; AN-370196; AN-370226; AN-370437
Data Feeds: AN-366162; AN-368906; AN-369066; AN-369087; AN-369225; AN-369798
Data Governance: AN-365157
Data Sources: AN-367550
Platform: AN-363931
Report Builder: AN-367460; AN-368975

Important notices for Adobe Analytics administrators admin

Date Added or Updated

End-of-life (EOL) notices eol

EOL Product or Feature
Date added or updated
Migration to Adobe I/O OAuth Server-to-Server credentials
January 17, 2025

Adobe Analytics API and Livestream customers using Adobe I/O JWT credentials must migrate to Adobe I/O OAuth Server-to-Server credentials by June 30, 2025. Adobe I/O will not allow new JWT credentials to be created beginning May 1, 2024. Customers using JWT must create a new OAuth Server-to-Server credential or migrate their existing JWT credential to an OAuth Server-to-Server credential. Customers must also update their client applications to use the new OAuth Server-to-Server credentials.

EOL for Adobe Analytics API (version 1.4)
July 17, 2024

On August 12, 2026, the following Analytics Legacy API services will reach their end of life and will be shut down, and current integrations built using these services will stop working:

  • Adobe Analytics API (version 1.4)
  • Adobe Analytics WSSE Authentication

Integrations that use the Adobe Analytics API (version 1.4) must migrate to the Adobe Analytics 2.0 API, while WSSE integrations must migrate to an OAuth-based authentication protocol in the Adobe Developer Console.

See the Adobe Analytics 1.4 API EOL FAQ for answers to common questions and further guidance.


For the latest updates on AppMeasurement releases (Version 2.27.0), please refer to AppMeasurement for JavaScript release notes.
