Manage calculated metrics

You can share, filter, tag, approve, rename, copy, delete, export calculated metrics and mark calculated metrics as favorite from a central Calculated metrics management interface. To manage calculated metrics:

  • Select Components in the main interface, then select Calculated metrics.

Calculated metrics manager

The Calculated metrics manager has the following interface elements:

Filters interface

Filters list

The filters list ➊ displays all the calculated metrics that you own or that have been shared with you. The list has the following columns:

Select to favor Star or un-favor StarOutline a calculated metric. See Mark calculated metric as favorite
Title and description
To edit the calculated metric, select the title link, which opens the Calculated metrics builder. A shared calculated metric is indicated with Share .
Data view
The data views that this calculated metric applies to.
Owner of the calculated metric. As a user, you only see the annotations that you own or the annotations that are shared with you.
Lists the tags for this calculated metric.
Shared with
Lists how many individuals or groups that you shared the calculated metric with. Select to open the Share Calculated metric dialog. See Share calculated metrics for more information.
Date modified
The date and time that the calculated metric was last modified.
Used in

Shows where calculated metrics are currently being used, and how many times they are being used in each area.

For example, if the calculated metric is being used in 40 projects and 2 alerts, then the value of this column shows as 42 components.

Select the value in this column to see the breakdown of where the calculated metrics are being used (for example, Projects (40), Mobile Scorecards (2)). Furthermore, you can view the list of items where the calculated metrics are being used. For example, so see the list of projects where they are being used, select the Projects (40) link.

Each of the following areas shows the number of instances of calculated metrics being used in that area:

  • Projects

    Contains calculated metrics that were created in the calculated metric builder and are available for all projects.

  • Ad hoc components

    Contains calculated metrics that were created as quick calculated metricsand are available only within a single project.

  • Scheduled projects

  • Mobile Scorecards

  • Annotations

  • Report Builder

    Selecting this option downloads a CSV file, with the following columns of data:

    • Report Builder Name
    • Last accessed
    • Last accessed IMS User ID
    • Last accessed user name

This information can help you determine whether a component is valuable to users in your organization, where it is used, and if it needs to be deleted or modified.

Consider the following when viewing this column:

  • This information is available only to system administrators.
  • The Used in column does not display by default. Use ColumnSetting to configure the display of this column.
  • This information does not include usage from the API or Data Warehouse.
  • If there is no data in this column for a given component but it has a Last used date, the component might have been used in an analysis without being saved.
  • Usage information is available starting in September 2023.

You can use the Data Dictionary along with this information to help you keep track of and better understand how components are being used in your organization.

Last Used
When the calculated metric was last used.

Use ColumnSetting to specify which columns you want to display.

Action bar

You can action on filters using the action bar ➋. The action bar contains the following actions:

Add another calculated metrics, using the Calculated metric builder.
Search by title
When no calculated metric is selected in the list, search for filters using this search field.
Tag the selected calculated metrics. In the Tag Calculated metric dialog, select or de-select the tags for the selected calculated metric. Select Save to save the tags for the selected calculated metrics. See Tag calculated metrics for more information.
Share the selected calculated metrics. In the Share Calculated metrics dialog, you can Search Search individuals or groups or you can select Organization or Groups. Select Save to save share details for the selected calculated metrics. See Share calculated metrics for more information.
Delete the selected calculated metrics. You are prompted for a confirmation.
Rename a single selected calculated metric. When selected, you can rename the calculated metric inline.
Approve the selected calculated metrics. See Approve calculated metrics.
Copy the selected calculated metrics. New calculated metrics are created with the same name and suffix (Copy)
Export to CSV
Export the calculated metrics to a Calculated metric List.csv file.

Active filter bar

The filter bar ➌ shows the active filters applied from the filter panel to the list of calculated metrics (if any). You can quickly remove a filter using CrossSize75 . If more than one filter is specified, you can remove all filters using Remove all.

Filter panel

You can filter the list of calculated metric using the Filter Filter left panel ➍. The filter panel displays the type of filter and the number of calculated metrics that honor the specific filter. Select Filter to toggle the display of the filter panel.

See Filter the list of calculated metrics for more information.
