Action bar

You can action on filters using the action bar ➋. The action bar contains the following actions:

AddCircle AddAdd another calculated metrics, using the Calculated metric builder.
Search Search by titleWhen no calculated metric is selected in the list, search for filters using this search field.
Label TagTag the selected calculated metrics. In the Tag Calculated metric dialog, select or de-select the tags for the selected calculated metric. Select Save to save the tags for the selected calculated metrics. See Tag calculated metrics for more information.
Share ShareShare the selected calculated metrics. In the Share Calculated metrics dialog, you can Search Search individuals or groups or you can select Organization or Groups. Select Save to save share details for the selected calculated metrics. See Share calculated metrics for more information.
Delete DeleteDelete the selected calculated metrics. You are prompted for a confirmation.
Edit RenameRename a single selected calculated metric. When selected, you can rename the calculated metric inline.
CheckmarkCircle ApproveApprove the selected calculated metrics. See Approve calculated metrics.
Copy CopyCopy the selected calculated metrics. New calculated metrics are created with the same name and suffix (Copy)
FileCSV Export to CSVExport the calculated metrics to a Calculated metric List.csv file.