Manage date ranges

Use the date range manager to share, rename, or delete date ranges. To reach the date manager:

  1. Log in to using your AdobeID credentials.
  2. Navigate to Components > Date Ranges.


Date Ranges with Example range highlighted.

The date range manager includes the following options:

  • Add: Create a new date range. See create a date range for more information.
  • Search by title: Search for a date range by title. Results are filtered based on text entered here.
  • Filter: Filter date ranges using the left column. You can filter by custom tag, owner, created by you, your favorites, approved, or shared with you. You can also search for desired filters.
  • Favorite: Click the star icon next to a date range to add it to your favorites.
  • Customize columns: Click the columns icon to show or hide columns in the date range manager.

Click the checkbox next to one or more date ranges for more options.

  • Tag: Apply a tag to all selected date ranges. Tags help you organize date ranges, and let you filter them using the left column.
  • Share: Share a date range to other Experience Cloud users. If you are a product administrator, you can also share to the entire organization or groups. Date ranges that are shared to other users in your organization include a shared icon next to the title.
  • Delete: Permanently delete the selected date range(s).
  • Rename: If a single date range is selected, you can change its title.
  • Approve: If you are a product admin, you can add a stamp of approval to a date range. Approved date ranges inform users in your organization that they are ‘official’, differentiating them from date ranges created by other users in your organization. Approved date ranges include a approved icon next to the title.
  • Unapprove: If you are a product admin and select a date range that is already approved, you can unapprove it.
  • Copy: Create a copy of the selected date range(s). Copying date ranges appends (Copy) to the end of the title of the newly copied date range(s).
  • Export to CSV: Exports all selected date ranges into a CSV file. Columns in the resulting CSV file include all visible columns in the date range manager.