Report Builder Hub

Use the Report Builder hub to create, update, delete, and manage data blocks.

The Report Builder hub contains the Create and Manage buttons, the COMMANDS list, and the QUICK EDIT panels.

Report Builder Hub {width="50%"}

Create and Manage buttons

Use the Create or Manage buttons to create new data blocks or to manage existing data blocks.


Use the COMMANDS panel to access commands that are compatible with the selected cells or a previous action.

The Commands panel in Report Builer Hub


Commands displayed
Available when…
Create data block
One or more cells is selected in the workbook.
Used to create a data block
Edit data block
The selected cell or cells range is part of one data block only.
Used to edit a data block
Refresh data block
The selection contains at least one data block. The command will refresh only the data blocks in the selection.
Used to refresh one or more data blocks
Refresh all data blocks
The workbook contains one or more data blocks.
Used to refresh ALL data blocks in the workbook
Copy data block
The selected cell or cell range is part of one or more data blocks.
Used to copy a data block
Delete data block
The selected cell or cells range is part of one data block only.
Used to delete a data block


When you select one or more data blocks in a spreadsheet, Report Builder displays the QUICK EDIT panel. You can use the QUICK EDIT panel to change parameters in a single data block or to change parameters in multiple data blocks at the same time.

The Quick Edit panel in Report Builder

The changes made using the Quick Edit sections apply to all selected data blocks.

Data views

Data blocks pull data from a selected Data view. If multiple data blocks are selected in a worksheet and they don’t pull data from the same data view, the Data views link displays  Multiple.

When you change the data view, all data blocks in the selection adopt the new data view. Components in the data block are matched to the new data view based on ID, for example, matching evars). If a component isn’t found in a data block, a warning message is displayed and the component is removed from the data block.

To change the data view, select a new data view from the drop-down menu.

The Report Builder Hub showing the data view drop-down menu.

Date range

Date range shows the date range for the selected data blocks. If multiple data blocks are selected with multiple date ranges, the Date range link displays  Multiple.


The Filters link displays a summary list of the filters used by the selected data blocks. If multiple data blocks are selected with multiple filters applied, the Filters link displays  Multiple.
