Integrate Decision Management with Adobe Customer Journey Analytics

Adobe Journey Optimizer Decision Management makes personalization easy with a central library of marketing offers and a decision engine that applies rules and constraints to rich, real-time profiles created by Adobe Experience Platform to help you send your customers the right offer at the right time.

Decision Management is part of and integrated with Adobe Journey Optimizer. It can also be used independently of journeys and campaigns defined in Adobe Journey Optimizer, using its rich API support.

You can import data generated by Decision Management to perform advanced analysis in Customer Journey Analytics by performing the following steps:

Send data from Decision Management to Adobe Experience Platform

Adobe Experience Platform serves as the central data source and link between Decision Management and Customer Journey Analytics. Data from Decision Management is collected in Experience Platform automatically or as part of explicitly sent experience events (for example impressions or clicks). See Getting started with data collection for more details.

Create a connection

Once Decision Management data is in Adobe Experience Platform, you can create a Connection based on your Decision Management datasets. Or you can add Decision Management datasets to an existing connection.

Select and configure the following datasets:

Dataset type
Connection settings
ODE DecisonEvents - sandbox decisioning
Person ID: IdentityMap
Contains autogenerated data for Decision Management decision events. Sandbox refers to the specific sandbox name.
Adobe Journey Optimizer Message Feedback Event Dataset
Person ID: IdentityMap
Contains message delivery events.
Adobe Journey Optimizer Email Tracking Experience Event Dataset
Person ID: IdentityMap
Contains email tracking events.
Adobe Journey Optimizer Push Tracking Experience Event Dataset
Person ID: IdentityMap
Contains push tracking events.
Adobe Journey Optimizer Entity Dataset
Key: _id
Matching Key: _experience.decisioning.propositions.
Contains classifications that associate Journey and Campaign metadata to all Adobe Journey Optimizer event data.

Create a data view

After a connection is created, you can create one or more Data Views to configure the desired dimensions and metrics available in Customer Journey Analytics.

Data discrepancies between Adobe Journey Optimizer and Customer Journey Analytics are typically less than 1-2%. Larger discrepancies are possible for data collected within the last two hours. Use date ranges excluding today to mitigate discrepancies involving processing time.

Configure dimensions

You can create the following dimensions in a data view to achieve approximate parity with similar dimensions in Decision Management. See Component settings in the Data View Manager for details around dimension customization options.

Schema element
Component settings
Activity Name
Component type: Dimension
Container Identifier
Component type: Dimension
Correlation Identifier
Component type: Dimension
Decision Option Name
Component type: Dimension
Fallback Decision Option Name
Component type: Dimension
Placement Name
Component type: Dimension

Configure metrics

You can create the following metrics in a data view to achieve approximate parity with similar metrics in Decision Management. See Component settings in the Data View Manager for details around metrics customization options.

Schema element
Component settings
Event Type (rename to refer to a specific event, for example Feedback for [1]
Amount of a specific type of event
Component type: Metric
Set Include Exclude Values: On
Match: If all criteria are met
Criteria: Equals
Decision Option Score
Calculated value for a decision option in the context of a single scope.
Component type: Metric
Fallback Decision Option Score
Calculated value for a fallback decision option in the context of a single scope.
Component type: Metric
Offers Dismiss
The number of offers dismissed or rejected without any other direct interaction.
Component type: Metric
Offers Display
The number of offers displayed to the profile.
Component type: Metric
Offers Interact
The number of offers that the profile interacted with.
Component type: Metric
Offers Send
The number of offers sent to the profile.
Component type: Metric
Offers Trigger
The number of offers chosen to be displayed by the client SDK.
Component type: Metric
Offers Unsubscribe
The number of offers requested by profile not to be shown in the future.
Component type: Metric

[1] You can define multiple metrics for the various event types available. See Include Exclude values component settings for more information.
