Share projects share-projects

You can share an Analysis Workspace project with the following types of people:

  • Users and groups in your organization who have access to Adobe Customer Journey Analytics

    You can share Edit, Duplicate, or View access

  • Users and groups in your organization who don’t have access to Customer Journey Analytics

    Recipients have read-only access

  • People outside your organization

    Recipients have read-only access

Any curation you apply prior to sharing is reflected when recipients open the project.


See VideoCheckedOut Project sharing in Analysis Workspace for a demo video.

This video demonstrates the functionality using Adobe Analytics. However, the functionality is similarly available in Customer Journey Analytics. Be aware of the differences in terminology between Adobe Analytics and Customer Journey Analytics (for example segments versus filters, or visits versus sessions).

Share with Customer Journey Analytics users and groups in your organization Add

You can share a project with existing Customer Journey Analytics users or groups in your organization. When you share a project as described in this section, the users you share with must already have an Customer Journey Analytics account.

You can share a specific role with users or groups, or you can share a link.

Share a specific project role

When sharing a specific project role with users and groups in your organization, consider the following:

  • Project roles (Edit original, Edit copy, and Read only) are tied to the user and specific project ID. Project roles are independent of user permissions managed in the Adobe Experience Cloud admin console.

  • In Customer Journey Analytics, groups are defined by product profiles in the Adobe Experience Cloud admin console. Admins can share to any group, including “All.” Non-admins can share to any group they are a member of, with the exception of “All.”

  • A user who is placed in multiple roles always get the highest experience. This might occur if a user is added both as an individual and as part of a group. For example, if a user is given the Edit original role as an individual and the Read only role as a member of a group, they will receive a Edit original project experience.

  • Admins placed in the Edit copy or Read only role receive those limited experiences when they open a project. An Admin can change their role to Edit original by sharing the project with themselves and granting the Edit role, as described in the following procedure.

  • If multiple projects are selected to be shared, recipients will be added to the existing list of recipients for each project.

    For example, Project A is already shared with recipients 1, 2, and 3, while Project B is already shared with recipients 4, 5, and 6.

    Projects A and B are then shared with recipients 4 and 7. The new share list for Project A is now 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7, while the new share list for Project B is 4, 5, 6, and 7.

To share a specific project role with users or groups in your organization:

  1. In Customer Journey Analytics, select the Workspace tab, then select Projects in the left panel.

  2. Select the checkbox next to one or more projects that you want to share, then select Share.


    To share an individual project only, you can open the project that you want to share, then select Share > Share with Workspace users.
    If there are unsaved changes, you are prompted to save your project first.

    The Share project dialog box displays. The Share by link and Settings sections of the dialog box are visible only when sharing a single project.

    The Share project window.

  3. Add recipients or groups of recipients in one of the provided role fields:

    Edit original: Recipients can Save changes to a project and function as co-owners. This role is useful if you want to co-manage a project with other colleagues; this includes editing, deleting, and modifying recipient lists for a shared project.
    Note: Analysis Workspace does not currently support live collaboration, so it is recommended that only one user edit a project at a given time. If projects are saved at the same time, the last version will be kept.

    Edit copy: Recipients can Save as and have access to the left panel. Project interactions are not limited in this role. This role is useful if you want to share a project to users who understand your organization’s data and how to use Analysis Workspace, but you do not want your project altered.

    Read only: Recipients cannot Save or Save as and do not have access to the left panel. Project interactions are also limited. This role is useful if you want to share a project to users that are less familiar with your organization’s data structure, Analysis Workspace or Customer Journey Analytics generally. However, you still want them to consume data and insights in a safe environment. Learn more about the Read only project experience.

  4. (Conditioinal) If you are sharing a single project, choose whether to enable the following options when sharing the project:

    • Share embedded project components: Shares filters, calculated metrics, and date ranges with all recipients. After being shared, these components will appear in the Components drop-down of the recipient’s Workspace. This setting does not persist - it is a one-time action at the time of sharing.

    • Set as landing page for recipients: Sets this page as the landing page for recipients. This setting does not persist - it is a one-time action at the time of sharing.

  5. Select Share. (If the project has already been shared, select Update.)


    Select Curate and Share to apply project curation automatically. (If the project has already been shared, select Curate & Update.) Learn more about project curation.

When sharing a link as described in this section, consider the following:

  • Recipients who use the link are required to log in to Customer Journey Analytics before gaining access to the project.

  • If a recipient is not assigned a role and receives a link to the project (Share > Get project link), they are given a role by default. Admins receive Edit original and non-admins receive Edit copy.

To share the project link with users in your organization:

  1. Save the project. If there are unsaved changes, you are prompted to save your project before sharing a link.

  2. Select Share > Share with Workspace users, then select Copy next to the Share by link field.

    The Share project highlighting the Share by link field.

  3. Share the link with users in your organization. For example, you can paste it into an email, onto an internal web site, and so forth.

You can grant read-only access to Analysis Workspace projects to people who don’t have access to Customer Journey Analytics. This can include:

  • People outside your organization

  • People within your organization who do not have access to Customer Journey Analytics

Consider the following when sharing an Analysis Workspace project with people who don’t have access to Customer Journey Analytics:
  • The ability to share a project in this way can be disabled by the Customer Journey Analytics administrator, as described in Preferences. If you can’t share a project as described in this section, your Customer Journey Analytics administrator has disabled this ability.

  • Projects with more than 50 expanded visualizations can’t be shared with people who don’t have access to Customer Journey Analytics.

  • Users you share with can view any filters that were applied to the project during curation.

  • Users you share with can change the project date range. The date range you set for the project is shown by default.

  • A project might become inaccessible if many users attempt to access a given link at the same time. By default, more than 190 people can access a single link every 5 minutes. If your organization reaches this limit, wait 5 minutes and then try accessing the link again.

  • The Share with anyone feature is blocked for both Healthcare Shield and Privacy & Security Shield licenses.

See VideoCheckedOut Share with anyone for a demo video.

To share an Analysis Workspace project with anyone:

  1. Open the Analysis Workspace project that you want to share.

  2. Select Share > Share with anyone.

    If there are unsaved changes, you are prompted to save your project.

  3. Enable the Link is active option if it is not already enabled.

    Selecting this option creates a link to the project that can be shared with anyone. You can disable access to the project at any time by disabling this option.

    The owner of the project is also the owner of this link. Link ownership can be transferred to another user only when project ownership is transferred, as described in Transfer user assets in the Analytics Admin guide.

  4. Choose whether to enable the following security option (this option can be controlled by your Customer Journey Analytics administrator):

    • Require Experience Cloud authentication:

      When this option is enabled, the only users who can access the project are those who can log in to the Adobe Experience Cloud organization where the project that you are sharing was created. However, users you share with do not need to have access to Customer Journey Analytics.

      Customer Journey Analytics administrators can configure this preference for the company, as described in Preferences. You might encounter the following scenarios, depending on how the administrator configured this option:

      • If this option is not visible, your Customer Journey Analytics administrator did not enable this feature.

      • If this option is enabled and you can’t disable it, this means that your Customer Journey Analytics administrator requires Experience Cloud authentication for anyone accessing Analysis Workspace projects. This is always the case for organizations who license Healthcare Shield.

  5. Next to the Share with anyone (no login required) field, select Link to copy the link to your system clipboard.

  6. Share the link with the people you want to have access to the project. For example, you can paste the link in an email.

    Any person you share the link with can view the Analysis Workspace project.

  7. (Optional) You can select Generate new link icon to remove access from users who previously received a link to the project. A new link is generated that you can share with users who you want to access the project.

  8. Select Close to close the share dialog box. Your changes are automatically saved.

View projects shared with you

When someone shares a project with you by sharing a specific project role, you can access the shared projects from the Projects tab of on the Analytics landing page.

When someone shares a project with you by sharing a link (either from the Share project tab or using a share with anyone link), you must use the link that was shared with you in order to access the project. For example, the link might have been shared in an email, on an internal website, and so forth.

Share embedded components

You can share the embedded components that are part of your project.

See VideoCheckedOut Share embedded components in Analysis Workspace for a demo video.

This video demonstrates the functionality using Adobe Analytics. However, the functionality is similarly available in Customer Journey Analytics. Be aware of the differences in terminology between Adobe Analytics and Customer Journey Analytics (for example segments versus filters, or visits versus sessions).


What happens if two editors save a project at the same time?
Changes are not merged and the last saved project version will be kept. Analysis Workspace does not currently support live collaboration.
As an admin, what project experience will I see?
Admins placed in a Edit copy or Read only role will receive those limited experiences when they open a project. If desired, an Admin can increase their role to Edit original at anytime through Components > Projects.
What happens if a recipient is placed in one role as an individual and another role as a member of a group?
If a recipient is placed in multiple roles, they will always receive the higher experience. For example, if a recipient is given the Edit original role as an individual and the Can view role as a member of a group, they will receive a Edit original project experience.
What experience does a recipient get if they open a project link?
Recipients receive the role you placed them in the share modal. If a recipient is not assigned a role and receives a link to the project (Share > Share with Workspace users, then select Copy next to the Share by link field), they will be placed into a role by default. Admins receive Edit original and Non-admins receive Edit copy.