Projects overview

Workspace projects allow you to combine data components, tables and visualizations to craft your analysis and share with anyone in your organization. Before starting your first project, learn about how to access, navigate and manage your projects.

Project list project-list

When you first go to Analytics > Workspace, the page lists all the projects you own or projects shared to you. This is also the landing page for Adobe Analytics, unless you have previously set a custom landing page.

Project landing page showing the projects list.

The Projects page contains the following information:

Some columns are not displayed by default. To customize the columns you see, click the Customize table icon Customize table .
Edit preferences
Manage settings for Analysis Workspace and its related components for all new projects or panels that you create.
Create folder
Add a new folder or subfolder to the list of projects and folders.
Create project
Start a new project from scratch.
Show more
Reveals options for creating a blank project or mobile scorecard, viewing training tutorials, or viewing release notes.
Show Folders & Projects
Choose whether to show the folder structure of projects. For more information, see About Folders in Analytics.
Customize table (icon)
Allows you to customize the information that shows for each project on the Projects page.
Name of the Workspace project.
Indicates whether this is a Workspace Project, a folder, or a Mobile Scorecard.
Tags that were applied to the project.
Indicates whether projects are scheduled to be emailed to recipients on a schedule. See Send project data to others.
Shared link (anyone)
Projects can be shared with anyone–even with people who don’t have access to Analysis Workspace. This column shows whether projects have been shared in this way. See Share a project with anyone (no login required) in Share projects for more information.
Data view
The data view that the project is associated with.
Project Role
Indicates your role for the project - owners, edit, duplicate, view.
The person who created this project (either you or someone who shared the project with you.)
Shared with
Users that the project has been shared with.
Last Modified
Date and time when the project was last modified.
Last Opened
Date and time when the project was last opened.
Project ID
The ID of the project.
Longest Date Range
The longest date range of the project.
Number of Queries
The total number of queries contained in the project.
The folder where the project resides.

Within a project, the menu provides options for managing your project, adding components, finding help, and more. Each menu option can also be accessed by keyboard shortcuts.

New Project options including the Project, Edit, Insert, Components, Share, and Help options.

Menu item
Includes common actions for project management, including New, Open, Save, and Save As. You can also refresh the entire project to retrieve the most recent data and definitions by clicking Refresh Project. Download project data options enable you to export data from Workspace. Project Info & Settings (see below) offers many options for managing your project.
Undo or redo your last action. Clear All will reset your project to a blank starting point.
Insert new panels or visualizations from this menu. You can also insert new panels and visualizations from the left rail.
Create new filters, calculated metric, date range, or alert components from your project. You can also create new components from the left rail. If your component definitions have recently changed, Refresh Components will retrieve the latest definitions.
Curate, share and schedule PDF/CSV projects to recipients in your organization.
Access help documentation, videos, and the Analytics Experience League community. Manage the visibility of Workspace tips as well as the debugger. Find details about Workspace and factors that impact project performance.
Share button or Owner
If you are in an Own or Edit for the project, the Share button in the top-right gives you one-click access to manage your project recipients. If you are in a Duplicate or View role for the project, you will see the project owner’s name.

Project Info & Settings info-settings

Workspace > Project > Project info & settings provides project-level information on the currently active project.

The Project Info & Settings window.

Settings include:

Project Name
The name given to the project. You can double-click the name to edit it.
Created By
Project owner name
Last Modified
Date of last modification to the project.
Lists any tags applied to a project for easier categorization.
A description is useful for clarifying the purpose of a project. You can double-click the description to edit it.
Count repeat instances in project
Specifies whether repeat instances are counted in reports. Note: this setting does not apply to Flow or Fallout visualizations.
Project color palette
You can change the categorical color palette used in Workspace, by choosing from out-of-the-box palettes that have been optimized for color blindness, or by specifying your custom palette. This feature affects many things in Workspace, including most visualizations.
View Density
Lets you see more data on the screen by reducing the vertical padding of the left rail, freeform tables and cohort tables.

Left rail left-rail

Within a project, various icons are available in the left rail, and each represents important parts of a project:

Components (Dimensions, Metrics, Filters, Date Ranges) in the left rail relate to the active panel data view. The active panel is identified by the blue border that surrounds it, and the active data view is listed at the top of the component rail.

The components relating to the active panel data view for Cross-Industry Demo Data data view.

Project canvas canvas

The project canvas is where you bring together panels, tables, visualizations, and components to build your analysis. A project can contain many panels, and each panel can contain many tables and visualizations.

Panels are helpful when you want to organize your projects according to time periods, data views, or analysis use case. The active panel will have a blue border around it, and determines what components are available in the left rail.

Depending on the starting point you chose for your projects, you will either have a freeform table or a blank panel in the canvas to begin with. The quickest way to start analyzing is to select one or many components and simply drag & drop them into the project canvas. A table of data will automatically be rendered for you. Learn more about the different options for building a table, or leverage our training tutorial for more guidance on building your first project.

A Freeform Table for the project.

Project Manager manager

Analysis Workspace projects can be managed under Analytics > Components > Projects. The Project Manager shows the items that a specific user created. You can transfer project ownership to a new user under Admin > Analytics Users & Assets > Transfer Assets.

In Projects Manager, you can add, tag, share, duplicate/copy, and more. Search for a project in the search bar or by using the filter options in the left rail. You can filter by tag, owners, project type and more.

Project Manager Tags search field and Title search field.

The following are common actions in the Projects manager, and can be taken on one or many projects at once:

Create a new project from scratch.
Tag or Approve
Choose “Tag” or “Approve” to organize your projects and make them easier to search for.
Make a project available to other Analysis Workspace users in your organization.
Delete your project.
Edit the name of your project.
Create a duplicate copy of your project. This creates a new project and project ID. Any shares or schedules tied to the original project will not be copied.
Export to CSV
Download your project as a CSV file, which includes plain-text data.