Last update: July 12, 2021
- Topics:
- Dynamic Media Classic,SDK/API
- Developer
- User
Data file path. Relative path and name for non-image data files associated with this image.
The server combines this value with attribute::RootPath to build the actual file path. May also be an absolute file path.
Used to specify a cabinet style file for a cabinet material or a window covering style file for a window covering material. Leave empty for all other materials.
Text string value. If specified, it must be a valid relative or absolute file path. Required for cabinet materials and window covering materials. Must be empty for all other materials.
See also
Previous pageAnchor
Next pageBaseColor
Experience Manager
- Dynamic Media Image Serving and Image Rendering API Home
- About this release
- System requirements and prerequisites
- Disk space requirements and recommendations
- Restrictions and known issues
- Technical support
- Document conventions
- Installation
- Image Serving API
- Image Serving API
- Intended audience
- Image Serving components
- Configuration and administration
- Serving static (non-image) contents
- Troubleshooting
- HTTP protocol reference
- HTTP protocol reference overview
- HTTP protocol introduction
- Syntax and features
- Syntax and features
- Image Serving HTTP protocol basic syntax
- Image Serving HTTP protocol command
- Layering
- Layer effects
- Request nesting and embedding
- Substitution variables
- Command macros
- Image catalogs
- Object ID translation
- Text string localization
- SVG support
- Request preprocessing
- Image maps
- Image Serving color management
- Image Serving HTTP encoding
- Request locking
- Request obfuscation
- Watermarks
- Serving static (non-image) content
- Media set requests
- Text formatting
- Data types
- Command reference
- Command reference overview
- align
- anchor
- bfc
- bgc
- bgColor
- blendMode
- cache
- clipPath
- clipXPath
- color
- crop
- cropPathE
- defaultImage
- dpr
- effect
- effectMask
- extend
- fit
- flip
- fmt
- hei
- hide
- icc
- iccEmbed
- id
- imageSet
- jpegSize
- layer
- locale
- map
- mask
- maskUse
- network
- op_blur
- op_brightness
- op_colorbalance
- op_colorize
- op_contrast
- op_grow
- op_growMask
- op_growMaskR
- op_hue
- op_invert
- op_noise
- op_saturation
- op_sharpen
- op_usm
- op_usmR
- opac
- origin
- pathAttr
- pathEmbed
- perspective
- pos
- printRes
- pscan
- qlt
- quantize
- rect
- req
- res
- resMode
- rgn
- rotate
- scale
- scl
- size
- src
- template
- text
- textAngle
- textAttr
- textFlowPath
- textFlowXPath
- textPath
- textPs
- type
- wid
- xmpEmbed
- Response data
- Server behavior
- Templates
- FXG server protocol reference
- Image catalog reference
- Attributes
- Attributes reference
- AllowDirectAccess
- AllowDirectUrls
- ApplyEffectMask
- AudioBitRate
- Bfc
- BkgColor
- CacheValidationPolicy
- ClientAddressFilter
- CatalogFile
- DefaultExpiration
- DefaultExt
- DefaultFont
- DefaultImage
- DefaultImageMode
- DefaultLocale
- DefaultPix
- DefaultThumbPix
- DigimarcId
- DigimarcInfo
- ErrorImage
- ErrorDetail
- Expiration
- FontMapFile
- FullMatch
- HttpAppleStreamingContext
- HttpFlashStreamingContext
- IccBlackPointCompensation
- IccDither
- IccProfileCmyk
- IccProfileGray
- IccProfileMapFile
- IccProfileRgb
- IccProfileSrcCmyk
- IccProfileSrcGray
- IccProfileSrcRgb
- IccRenderIntent
- JpegQuality
- LocaleMap
- LocaleStrMap
- MacroFile
- MaxPix
- NonImgExpiration
- PublishInfo
- PrintResolution
- RequestLock
- RequestObfuscation
- ResMode
- Resolution
- RootId
- RootPath
- RootUrl
- RuleSetFile
- SavePath
- StaticContentCatalogFile
- StaticContentRootPath
- SvgCatalogFile
- SynthesizeFontStyles
- ThumbBkgColor
- ThumbHorizAlign
- ThumbRes
- ThumbType
- ThumbVertAlign
- TimeStamp
- TotalStreamBitRate
- TrustedDomains
- UseLastModified
- VideoBitRate
- VideoSize
- Watermark
- Image/SVG data reference
- Macro definition
- Font map
- ICC profile map reference
- Rule set reference
- Image server proxy
- Responsive Static Image Library
- Image Rendering API
- Image Rendering API
- Configuration
- Server administration
- Server administration
- Server administration preface
- Server administration overview
- Configuring and managing the server
- Configuration settings reference
- HTTP protocol reference
- HTTP protocol reference
- Introduction
- HTTP protocol syntax and features
- HTTP protocol syntax and features
- Image Rendering HTTP protocol basic syntax
- Image Rendering HTTP protocol command overview
- Vignettes
- Materials
- Advanced Render effects
- Request nesting and embedding
- Material catalogs
- Request pre-processing *
- Custom variables
- Command macros *
- Image Rendering color management *
- Color values
- Image Rendering HTTP encoding
- HTTP protocol command reference
- HTTP protocol response data
- Material catalog
- Material catalog
- Introduction
- Material catalog overview
- Attributes reference
- Attributes reference
- AllowDirectURLs
- CacheValidationPolicy
- CatalogFile
- ClientAddressFilter
- DefaultPix
- ErrorDetail
- ErrorImage
- Expiration
- Format
- IccBlackPointCompensation
- IccDither
- IccProfileCmyk
- IccProfileGray
- IccProfileMapFile
- IccProfileRgb
- IccProfileSrcCmyk
- IccProfileSrcGray
- IccProfileSrcRgb
- IccRenderIntent
- JpegQuality
- MacroFile
- MaxPix
- OnFailObj
- OnFailSel
- RenderSettings
- ResMode
- Resolution
- RootId
- RootPath *
- RootUrl *
- RuleSetFile
- Sharp
- Sharpen
- ShowOverlapObjs
- TiffEncoding
- TimeStamp
- TrustedDomains *
- UseLastModified
- VignetteMapFile
- Material data reference
- Vignette map reference
- Macro definition reference
- ICC profile map reference
- Rule set reference
- Utilities