Server server

Use these server settings to configure your server.

SV::ImageServerMode - Image Server Mode section-991b287f2dde4f77a24fc69d5b32cabd

Both a 32- and a 64-bit version of the Image Server are available for Linux. Specify ImageServer64 when installed on 64-bit Linux servers, or ImageServer32 (default) when installed on 32-bit servers.

The 64-bit version of the Image Server does not support FlashPix source files.
64-bit mode is not supported on Windows. Only ImageServer32 may be specified. Otherwise Image Serving does not start.

SV::PsHeapSize - Platform Server Heap Size section-fd83715948764aeda58d6b3a9f9f8be9

The Java heap size for the Platform Server. Defaults to " 512m" (512 Mbytes).

IS::TcpPort, PS::isConnection.port - Image Server Listening Port section-5421bfd2ca2a4a979faf812b6fdb2887

Specifies the port used for communication between the Platform Server and the Image Server. Make sure to specify a port number which is not used otherwise on the host system.

For Image Serving to function correctly, the same value must be set for IS::TcpPort and PS::isConnection.port.

IS::PhysicalMemory - Image Server Memory Limit section-85e37aa2ac6e456eb698da716dd3247d

The approximate limit for in-memory image data, expressed as a percentage of physical memory. Valid range is 10% to 90%. The Image Server attempts to restrict its use of image memory to the specified amount if possible. The limit may be exceeded temporarily during heavy processing activity.

IS::WorkerThreads - Number of Image Server Worker Threads section-e2946063b13c4f728cdf5dba3d8b4de1

The maximum number of threads the Image Server uses for processing image data. Default is 0, which allows the Image Server to optimize the thread count automatically.

Some operating systems have threading models with a high context-switching overhead. In such a circumstance the overall server performance may improve when a specific thread count is selected (for example, one thread per CPU). Some experimentation may be required to find the optimal setting. Refer to the Image Serving release notes and to the operating system documentation for additional information.

IS::NumberOfTextServers - Number of Text Server Instances section-971e20a90c1a473598fba738ed95671a

The maximum number of text renderers to be active concurrently. 0 (default) is equivalent to 1.5 times the number of available CPU cores.

IS::TextServerTcpPortRange - Text Server Communication Ports section-a13465de88ed4df09931e5ba840c1942

The ports to be used for text server communications. Specify the first and last port number, separated with ‘-’.
