setAttr setattr

Set any attribute for a given s7:elementID.

setAttr.elementID={ *attributeName*= *attributeValue*, *attributeName*= *AttributeValue*…}

If an FXG node element has a s7:elementID defined, you can manipulate the attributes for that node. You can set as many attribute/value pairs as you want. The attributes do not need to already be defined in the FXG but it must be valid for the node element. All values in between {} must be Escaped.

Example section-9c37470d5f0349e5b0a97291782cb7a6

Assume a s7:elementID="Group1" attribute is defined for a BitmapGraphic node, then the following is valid:


This example sets the x, y, rotation, scaleX, and scaleY for the BitmapGraphic and overrides any existing values.
