ThumbType thumbtype
Thumbnail type. Describes how a thumbnail for this image is to be generated.
The following thumbnail types are supported:
Clients request image thumbnails with req=tmb
Properties section-c58a8e67c2134ca3a0edd21b20dd3052
Enum Value. Valid values are 1, 2, or 3, which corresponds to Crop, Fit, and Texture types, respectively.
Default section-a6a7c43a83384a4aab861a48d73c7c26
is used if the field is not present, if the value is 0 or if the field is empty.
See also section-fc1a79d3e6274b4381a17da159649a07
attribute::ThumbType , attribute::ThumbBkgColor, attribute::ThumbHorizAlign, attribute::ThumbVertAlign, catalog::ThumbRes, catalog::Resolution, req=tmb, Thumbnail Scaling