JSONP properties jsonp-properties

If jsonp is specified as the response format, the reply data is formatted using JSONP (JavaScript Object Notation with Padding), wrapped in a JavaScript function call.

The client may specify an optional unique request identifier ( reqId), which is returned in the response and allows the client to distinguish multiple responses received asynchronously. A typical response has the following general structure:

</varname>" : "
 }, "
</varname>" );

The s7jsonResponse JavaScript function must be defined by the client. In its simplest form, the function might look like this:

var responseData;
S7jsonResponse(data, reqId)
 responseData = eval(data);

Requests that support JSONP response format lets you specify the name of the JS callback handler using the extended syntax of req= parameter:

req=...,json [&handler = reqHandler]

The <reqHandler> syntax is the name of the JS handler that is present in the JSONP response. Only a-z, A-Z, and 0-9 characters are allowed. Optional. Default is s7jsonResponse.

The Dynamic Media Image Serving Viewers package includes a utility to request and parse JSONP-formatted data from Image Serving.

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSONP for more information about the JSONP format.

See www.json.org for more information about the JSON format.

See also req.
