src src

Layer image.

src= *object*|{[is|ir|fxg]'{' *nestedRequest*'}'}

Image object.
Nested Image Serving, Image Rendering, or external request.

Description section-59ec6dc2afcb43efb34dbb0f7733543f

Specifies the source image for an image layer.

object may be either a catalog entry or an image/SVG file.

See object.

Nested or embedded requests are enclosed by curly braces. Prefix an embedded Image Serving request with is, an embedded Image Rendering request with ir, and an FXG graphics render request with fxg. A request to a foreign server is assumed if no prefix is specified.

See Request Nesting and Embedding.

Properties section-2c22bb89a35d470f833df8ba898efd93

Layer attribute. Applies to layer=0 if layer=comp. Mutually exclusive with text= and textPs= in the same layer; the last occurrence of either text=, textPs=, or src= prevails and determines whether this is an image or a text layer. Ignored by effect layers.

*object*may not resolve to another catalog record which includes a src= or mask= command in its catalog::Modifier. (Use request nesting to achieve a similar effect.)

The is, ir, and fxg prefixes are case-sensitive.

Default section-a92f3882041b4d43ae2caf014647165f

For layer 0 the object from the path component of the URL is used if src= is not specified. No default value for other layers.

See also section-e467e03330564796932ac081f1c9c1d0

catalog::Path , attribute::RootPath, text=, textPs=, mask=, object, Templates, Request Nesting and Embedding
