color color
Color Values. You can specify color values using either hexadecimal notation, a comma-separated list of component values, or decimals.
Decimal component values for RGB colors are in the range 0…255. Decimal component values for CMYK and gray are in the range 0…100%. All hexadecimal component values are in the range 0…0xFF.
Color component values are assumed to be independent of the alpha value (not pre-multiplied).
All color values, prefixes, and suffixes are not case-sensitive.
The type suffix ‘k’ is required for CMYK color values. A type suffix can be optionally specified for RGB and gray color values.
The prefix ‘0x’ is required for hexadecimal gray color values.
The ‘s’ suffix specifies that the color value is associated with the input (source) color space corresponding to the pixel type of the color value (defined with attribute::IccProfileSrc*
). If this suffix is not present, the color value is associated with the output (destination) color space (defined with icc=
or attribute::IccProfile*
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If an alpha value is not specified explicitly it is assumed to be 255, 0xFF, or 100% (fully opaque).
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Some examples of valid color specifiers, and their corresponding pixel type, color value, alpha value, and default color space:
The output color space specified with icc=
applies instead of the default color space when the pixel type of an output color corresponds to the pixel type of the output image.