NonImgExpiration nonimgexpiration

Client cache TTL for non-image responses. Provides the expiration interval for certain non-image responses.

Provides the expiration interval for certain non-image responses, including those sent in response to the following commands:

  • req=imageset
  • req=catalogprops
  • req=exists
  • req=imageprops
  • req=props

Properties section-d37e3113f4b1468b86b5a14e80d94c83

Real number, 0 or greater. Number of hours until expiration since the reply data was generated. Set to 0 to always expire the reply image immediately, which effectively disables client caching for default image responses. Set to -1 to mark as never expire.

Default section-96981360c0234b7f824d2ff7c25a7954

Inherited from default::NonImgExpiration if not defined or if empty.

TTL (Time-To-Live) is the duration before the cache expires. The default TTL is 6 minutes.

See also section-4549c5594a5547beb8b129ec8d0e6aa6

catalog::Expiration , attribute::DefaultImage
