Cache clustering cache-clustering
Use these server settings for cache clustering.
PS::cacheCluster.hosts - Hosts section-319d2ba2915e40ac8b5ea9b4fe26a88b
List of IP addresses, separated by semi-colons. Include the IP addresses of all peer servers from which this host should obtain cache data. The IP address of the local host may be included for convenience; this allows the same configuration settings for all servers in the cluster.
PS::cacheCluster.updateLocalCache - Update Local Cache section-154c2c0af4544200a3499232bb130dde
Set to ‘Yes’ if a cache entry provided by a peer server should be copied to the local response cache.
PS::cacheCluster.queryTimeout - Query Timeout section-8d2b10e15b3e44078d2d9bdb7c25bde0
When requesting a cache entry from peer servers, the server waits until one server responds that it has this particular data item, or until all peer servers have responded that they do not have the data item, or until the time specified with this setting (in msec) has expired.
PS::cacheCluster.fetchTimeout - Fetch Timeout section-41c42a29a26f43dc9cff50ad9fae1f14
Specifies the maximum number of msec the server waits for the actual cache data to be delivered from the peer server. If the full data has not been delivered before the timeout expires, the server assumes that the peer has become unavailable. The cache entry is then generated locally.