rs rs

Advanced render settings. Specifies advanced render settings to be applied when rendering the current selection.

rs= *val*

Render settings string.

Used for fine-tuning render appearance. To create render settings strings, use the render feature of the Vignette Authoring Tool (part of the Dynamic Media Image Authoring package).

Properties section-9a2b2228789046658cb80eddf343af75

Material attribute.

Default section-f4751476c3134f16ac6283d6f0c46e47


Example section-47e4811882574441a4d517e42a35f352

After some experimentation in Image Authoring, it is determined that unsharp-masking (USM) provides the correct amount of sharpening for the given application and material. The render settings string that configures USM is copied to the rs= command to use with this material:


See also section-930116e735024a008c994547ba36ee40

