Last update: February 22, 2022
- Topics:
- Dynamic Media Classic,SDK/API
- Developer
- User
Embed paths data. Specifies whether Photoshop paths embedded in the vignette should be included in the response image.
Request attribute. Ignored if the vignette does not contain paths data. The paths data is scaled to wid=
and/or hei=
if necessary.
Ignored if the output image format does not support path embedding. Refer to the description of fmt=
for a list of output image formats that support path embedding.
, for no embedding of paths in output images.
See also
Previous pageopac
Next pageprintRes
Experience Manager
- Dynamic Media Image Serving and Image Rendering API Home
- About this release
- System requirements and prerequisites
- Disk space requirements and recommendations
- Restrictions and known issues
- Technical support
- Document conventions
- Installation
- Image Serving API
- Image Serving API
- Intended audience
- Image Serving components
- Configuration and administration
- Serving static (non-image) contents
- Troubleshooting
- HTTP protocol reference
- HTTP protocol reference overview
- HTTP protocol introduction
- Syntax and features
- Syntax and features
- Image Serving HTTP protocol basic syntax
- Image Serving HTTP protocol command
- Layering
- Layer effects
- Request nesting and embedding
- Substitution variables
- Command macros
- Image catalogs
- Object ID translation
- Text string localization
- SVG support
- Request preprocessing
- Image maps
- Image Serving color management
- Image Serving HTTP encoding
- Request locking
- Request obfuscation
- Watermarks
- Serving static (non-image) content
- Media set requests
- Text formatting
- Data types
- Command reference
- Command reference overview
- align
- anchor
- bfc
- bgc
- bgColor
- blendMode
- cache
- clipPath
- clipXPath
- color
- crop
- cropPathE
- defaultImage
- dpr
- effect
- effectMask
- extend
- fit
- flip
- fmt
- hei
- hide
- icc
- iccEmbed
- id
- imageSet
- jpegSize
- layer
- locale
- map
- mask
- maskUse
- network
- op_blur
- op_brightness
- op_colorbalance
- op_colorize
- op_contrast
- op_grow
- op_growMask
- op_growMaskR
- op_hue
- op_invert
- op_noise
- op_saturation
- op_sharpen
- op_usm
- op_usmR
- opac
- origin
- pathAttr
- pathEmbed
- perspective
- pos
- printRes
- pscan
- qlt
- quantize
- rect
- req
- res
- resMode
- rgn
- rotate
- scale
- scl
- size
- src
- template
- text
- textAngle
- textAttr
- textFlowPath
- textFlowXPath
- textPath
- textPs
- type
- wid
- xmpEmbed
- Response data
- Server behavior
- Templates
- FXG server protocol reference
- Image catalog reference
- Attributes
- Attributes reference
- AllowDirectAccess
- AllowDirectUrls
- ApplyEffectMask
- AudioBitRate
- Bfc
- BkgColor
- CacheValidationPolicy
- ClientAddressFilter
- CatalogFile
- DefaultExpiration
- DefaultExt
- DefaultFont
- DefaultImage
- DefaultImageMode
- DefaultLocale
- DefaultPix
- DefaultThumbPix
- DigimarcId
- DigimarcInfo
- ErrorImage
- ErrorDetail
- Expiration
- FontMapFile
- FullMatch
- HttpAppleStreamingContext
- HttpFlashStreamingContext
- IccBlackPointCompensation
- IccDither
- IccProfileCmyk
- IccProfileGray
- IccProfileMapFile
- IccProfileRgb
- IccProfileSrcCmyk
- IccProfileSrcGray
- IccProfileSrcRgb
- IccRenderIntent
- JpegQuality
- LocaleMap
- LocaleStrMap
- MacroFile
- MaxPix
- NonImgExpiration
- PublishInfo
- PrintResolution
- RequestLock
- RequestObfuscation
- ResMode
- Resolution
- RootId
- RootPath
- RootUrl
- RuleSetFile
- SavePath
- StaticContentCatalogFile
- StaticContentRootPath
- SvgCatalogFile
- SynthesizeFontStyles
- ThumbBkgColor
- ThumbHorizAlign
- ThumbRes
- ThumbType
- ThumbVertAlign
- TimeStamp
- TotalStreamBitRate
- TrustedDomains
- UseLastModified
- VideoBitRate
- VideoSize
- Watermark
- Image/SVG data reference
- Macro definition
- Font map
- ICC profile map reference
- Rule set reference
- Image server proxy
- Responsive Static Image Library
- Image Rendering API
- Image Rendering API
- Configuration
- Server administration
- Server administration
- Server administration preface
- Server administration overview
- Configuring and managing the server
- Configuration settings reference
- HTTP protocol reference
- HTTP protocol reference
- Introduction
- HTTP protocol syntax and features
- HTTP protocol syntax and features
- Image Rendering HTTP protocol basic syntax
- Image Rendering HTTP protocol command overview
- Vignettes
- Materials
- Advanced Render effects
- Request nesting and embedding
- Material catalogs
- Request pre-processing *
- Custom variables
- Command macros *
- Image Rendering color management *
- Color values
- Image Rendering HTTP encoding
- HTTP protocol command reference
- HTTP protocol response data
- Material catalog
- Material catalog
- Introduction
- Material catalog overview
- Attributes reference
- Attributes reference
- AllowDirectURLs
- CacheValidationPolicy
- CatalogFile
- ClientAddressFilter
- DefaultPix
- ErrorDetail
- ErrorImage
- Expiration
- Format
- IccBlackPointCompensation
- IccDither
- IccProfileCmyk
- IccProfileGray
- IccProfileMapFile
- IccProfileRgb
- IccProfileSrcCmyk
- IccProfileSrcGray
- IccProfileSrcRgb
- IccRenderIntent
- JpegQuality
- MacroFile
- MaxPix
- OnFailObj
- OnFailSel
- RenderSettings
- ResMode
- Resolution
- RootId
- RootPath *
- RootUrl *
- RuleSetFile
- Sharp
- Sharpen
- ShowOverlapObjs
- TiffEncoding
- TimeStamp
- TrustedDomains *
- UseLastModified
- VignetteMapFile
- Material data reference
- Vignette map reference
- Macro definition reference
- ICC profile map reference
- Rule set reference
- Utilities