SVG svg
The settings in this section must be considered only if SVG rendering is required.
SV::SvgHeapSize - SVG Heap Size section-59ab17681daa4be8b5d794713e1a504e
The Java heap size for the SVG Renderer. Defaults to “200m” (200 MB).
PS::svgProvider.rootPaths - SVG Data Root Folders section-70fe575b0ad54e3b8b6d3a01ea8f1f44
The location of the SVG source data files. It can be one or more absolute file paths or paths relative to install_folder, separated with semicolons. Typically set to the same value as IS::RootPath
PS::svgProvider.SVGFileSizeLimit - Maximum SVG File Size section-b9c81e3e104642ebbdd9f000843d3256
Maximum SVG source file size in kBytes. The server returns an error when an attempt is made to render an SVG file which is larger than this limit. The default is 1024 kbytes.
IS::SvgMAxRenderRgnPixels - SVG Output Image Size Limit section-5be1fd9639424d878a5ffd11736d3920
It limits the size of images SVGRender can produce. Integer value larger than 0 in millions of pixels. An error is returned if a render operation would exceed the size limit. The default is 4.
PS::svgProvider.port - Platform Server Listening Port section-f7e42a96c2dd4523b46f0557c239e659
The port used for SvgRender to obtain images from the Platform Server to be embedded in SVG renderings.
Important For correct functioning of the SVGRender component, this configuration option must be set to the same value as TC::PsPort
PS::svgProvider.fontRoot - SVG Font Files Folder section-a8d45b0d68504945b8780f5eac351b0d
Specifies where the SvgRender finds the font files needed for rendering SVG text; typically one of the paths specified in IS::RootPaths
. Default is install_folder/images.
SVG::SVGRender.port, IS::SVGTcpPort - SVG Communications Port section-608687123aa644b7b58fe42385d71b79
Configures the port on which the Image Server and the SVGRender component communicate.
and IS::SVGTcpPort