res res
Material resolution. Specifies the resolution of the repeatable texture or decal image.
res= *
If there is a decal material, size=
prevails if both size=
and res=
are specified.
Properties section-6a458ddc202f46e0b668c9f040a65cef
Material attribute. Ignored by solid color materials. Only by cabinet and window coverings materials only if a texture is also used.
Default section-ee4088a994014df59105fc1dbb2aa042
, if the material is based on a catalog entry, otherwise attribute::Resolution
, if res= is
not specified or set to a value less than or equal to 0.
See also section-c00f6fb7b3e74719ac361de9a9ce4e52
Material Resolution, size=, catalog::Resolution, attribute::Resolution