IccProfileSrcCmyk iccprofilesrccmyk

CMYK default input color profile. Specifies the name of the ICC color profile to be used for CMYK source images which do not embed a color profile and for certain CMYK color values specified with various Image Serving commands, such as color=.

Properties section-fc2ad12a3c6e4c7cab495f1878638e66

Text string. If specified, must be a valid icc::Name value from the ICC profile map of either this image catalog or the default catalog, or a file path relative to attribute::RootPath. The referenced ICC profile must be a CMYK profile.

Default section-c1f63b4bd32a4f38bf5d68decb9e25da

Inherited from default::IccProfileSrcCmyk if not defined or if empty. If attribute::IccProfileSrcCmyk does not resolve to a valid profile, attribute::IccProfileCmyk is used instead.

See also section-a6623bd4277e43b084ec0fb9e02069dc

icc::Name , attribute::IccRenderIntent, attribute::IccProfileCmyk, attribute::RootPath
