Usage usage

This topic describes vntc usage syntax.

vntc [ *options*] *sourceFile* [ *destFile*]

sourceFile is the path and name of the file to be processed. It can be a path relative to the current working directory or an absolute path. It must be a valid vignette, cabinet style, or window covering style file and have one of the following suffixes:

  • .vnt
  • .vnc
  • .vnw


destFile is the path and name for the output vignette file. If not specified, the output file is placed in the folder specified with -destpath. In this scenario, the file name is automatically generated from the input file name and a size suffix, separated with the string specified with -separator. For vignettes, the size suffix is the pixel width of the single-resolution output vignette, the width of the first view of a multi-resolution output vignette, or ‘0’ if there is a pyramid vignette. For cabinet style files, the output resolution is used as the file suffix. destFile is ignored when -info is specified.
