Create Experience Platform tags rules for success events

This video shows you how to use rules in tags to track conversion events (success events) on your site.

Hey everybody, it’s Doug. In this video I want to teach you a couple of things. Number one, I want to teach you how to create a rule in Experience Platform tags to track a success event or a conversion event. And the second thing is to kind of take that one step further and say, what if I have the beginning of a process and an end of a process, like maybe it’s a multi-page form or any series of pages, for example, and you want to track the beginning of it and the end of this process. And it might even span multiple pages. So we’re going to look at that. And at the end of the day, it’s really how to track an event or any value on a specific page. So whatever your use case is, again, whether it’s, you know, a registration process, whether it is a form they’re going to fill out, an application they’re going to fill out, it might have a start and an end and those kinds of things, this is all applicable to any of those use cases. So here I have a test page and I also have up here Experience Platform tags and I’m in my rule here or in my rules screen of my property. And then over here we see that I’m in the admin console for my report suite. And I’m basically saying that on every page I want to fire event three because it’s a page view event. I’m going to run that on every page. And then when I start a process, I want to trigger event four. And when I complete the process, I want to trigger event five. So I have put these in here to track that. And now I want to set it into a rule. Now let’s take a look at our pages here. And I have a test home page. So this will just have a regular, this is a regular page and I’ll give the event three. And then when I start the process and go to step one, I want to trigger that event four. Then I’ll go to link here to step two. And that’s just a regular, you know, in between page. So just a regular page. And then when I get to the final page and I submit that or I go to a thank you page or whatever is the end of my process, I want to fire event five. Is that right? Event five, process completion. There we go. So event four to start the process. Event five for the process completion event three on every page. Okay. So I have done some of this already to make this video a little bit shorter. I have created an all pages rule here. This runs on DOM ready. And if I click into that, you’ll see that it is set at order 50. Okay. And let me go back and come out of that and go out of that. And then I have the start process already at 41. So anything really, this could have been anything before 50. I want this rule to run before my all pages rule. Cause in the all pages rule, I’m setting some variables, including event three on every page. And then I’m sending the beacon, but on other rules that happened before this, I can just set variables and set them and set them and set them. And then when this runs later, it’ll send the beacon. It’ll send them all in. So I’m going to cancel out of this and I’m going to go back to this and show you how my start process that will run before that other one. So DOM ready, and again, order of any number before 50, and that will run. But when do I want that to run? And here’s where everything happens right here in conditions. I want this to run on a very specific page, the beginning of my process, right? Start process. So on my pages here, if I go back here, here’s the homepage, but when I start the process and land here, I want it to run on this page. So in my rule, that’s where I set up my condition. So what I did was set a value comparison. So I went in here and set a condition in my core extension, and I set this to value comparison. Okay, it’s right up here near the top. Okay. And then what I did for my value comparison is say when the page name, and I just selected that from my data elements, when the page name equals, I just clicked this box for case insensitive, equals the name of the page. Now, how did I get that? Well, one way is to go in here and I’m going to take a look at the code behind the page. And I know that I’m grabbing this page name right here to be set into my analytics page name, into that data element. So I can just easily go right here to my data layer and grab the name of this page, which I did. So I copied that, and then let me get out of that one, and then said, here it is. So when the page name equals that, then I’m going to fire this rule. So let me go back out of this. And what am I going to do when I fire this rule? I’m going to set a variable and I want to set event four. So I’ve got that setting right there. Now, if I want to, I can set other things as well. If I have the beginning of a process and it’s an application on my site, and let’s say I have 10 different applications on my site, I might want to set the name of the application into an EVAR. So when I start the process, I can say, yeah, here’s the event four for starting any process. But let me grab the name of the application, which is probably also sitting in my data layer, and I’ll put that into an EVAR. But for now I’m going to keep it simple and just leave that event. I’m going to fire that event. Okay. So that one is already set up. No, cancel out of those. And let’s add one more rule. So in this one, instead of saying start process DOM ready 41, I’m going to say complete process. And I can use the same trigger here on DOM ready 41. That’s fine. Anything before 50. So I’m going to say that. I’m going to say complete process, process. In fact, I’m going to do that to 41 again, because again, it doesn’t matter. Anything before 50 is fine there, but it means I need to go in here and I need to say, yes, DOM ready. It’s down here at the bottom and go to my advanced options and set this to a number before 50. So once again, I’ll just go to 41 again. That’s fine. Keep the changes. And now again, it’s all about the conditions. I want it to fire on a specific page. The events is like when on the page, but conditions is which page in this case. So if I go over here to my site and I go to step two, nope, not on this one, but yes, on the final page, which is the final step or the thank you page, any way that you know that this process has been completed. In this case, when I hit this page events, test final, I know that I’m done. So once again, I’m going to go to the code of this page and grab the page name out of the data layer, copy this right here, and I’ll go ahead and close that and go back into this rule and add my condition. So I’m going to say once again, compare my values and return true if the page name, grab it from the data element. If the page name equals and paste it in there, events test final step, then I know that that page came up and I can fire this rule to set a value. So keep that. And then what do I want to happen again? Right down here. And I’m going to go to my analytics extension and I’m going to set a variable. Now, what variable do I want to set now? Once again, if I go back to my admin console here, the completion of the process is even five. So I’m going to go in here and set event five. That was handy. It had it right there listed out for me. And that’s all I need to do. Once again, if you wanted to set the EVAR, you can do that, any of these other variables, but I’m going to keep it simple here and keep those changes. And now I’m going to save this. I’m going to actually save to library and build my library. Okay. And that has successfully completed and now I can go back here. I’m going to back up to my first page here and let me clear all this out so we can see what’s going on. I’ll even refresh this page. And now we can see this page and we can scroll down here where we can see the page name is events test home. And it has event three because I’ve set that up in that main rule to run on every page. Now, when I click to start the process and I go to that first page that I had already set up and I see my page name is now events test one, and that was the trigger. Now I have not only event three, but I have an event four to start the process. I’m tracking that. Let me go to my next step and let’s see that one, step two. But again, that was an intermediate step. So I didn’t have an extra event for that. That’s a regular page. So I still have event three for just a regular page. And then when I go to my final one and let’s take a look at that, here is the final step or the thank you page. And I have not only event three for the page view, but now I have event five running there. So now I can see how often people start a process, how often people complete the process. And again, if I wanted to add an EVAR for which form or which process, those kinds of things, I could put that right into an EVAR and be able to see that in a table. Not only that, but I can now put event four and event five in other kinds of tables. Let’s say like a marketing channels report. So I could say, when people come from different marketing channels, do they complete my process more often? Right. If they’re coming in from, let’s say paid search, do they complete the process as often as when they’re coming in, you know, from an email campaign or something like that. So very cool, very powerful and very helpful, hopefully to you and have a great day.