Copy and insert panels and visualizations
- Topics:
- Panels
- Beginner
- User
Learn how to copy and insert panels and visualizations in Analysis Workspace. These are time-saving techniques for refining a current project or getting a head start on a new one.
Hi this is Jen Lasser - with Adobe Analytics product management. In this video I’m going to talk to you - about a new feature we’ve released that allows you to copy and insert visualizations or panels within - a project or two other projects. So this feature is a little bit - different than the Duplicate option that we offer today Duplicate is available - from the right click menu of the panel header or viz header and allows you to completely - duplicate a panel or viz and save yourself a lot of time. But sometimes when you want to move things - around a project duplicating and deleting everything else that you don’t need is - a little bit of a cumbersome process. So let’s say that you want to take - these Marketing Channel tables visualizations and move - them to a new panel. You know you’ve started to build - out your project and you realize the story would flow a little bit - better if you had your overall KPIs in the first panel and Marketing Channels - in the second panel. Since you’ve already - built it on a one panel this new feature is - going to come in handy. So the feature is available from the right - click menu and it is Copy Visualization. So if you right click on this Channel - Trend option here and click Copy Viz you can go ahead and - paste it in a new panel. So I’ll just add in a new - Blank Panel really quickly. And let me just set my Date - Range here to last three months and then I can just right click - on the header the panel and Insert Copied Visualization. So now you’ll see I have an exact copy - of this visualization as the one above. Also since this visualization - is sourcing from a table the table has also copied over as well. Now you see I have both things - that I had above So this Copy and Insert - is a very quick way to move things from - one panel to another. Now I can just simply delete - these from this panel and call this new panel - Marketing Channels Not only can you move - Viz’s within a project you can also move them across projects. You can also do this for panels So if I right click on a panel - header I can choose Copy Panel and then open up a new project, Marketing Performance Blank Project - right click and Insert Copied Panel. So now I completely have a new project with the same data that I copied - over from an existing project. And I’ve got a great head start so - definitely take advantage of this one. One great way that I think this - could be helpful to you all is to also leverage our templates . So we have a lot of great - pre-built predefined tables and visualizations throughout these - templates that you could copy from, for example Content Consumption is a pages - report with some common visualizations like Flow and top pages table - with a lot of the key KPIs that we recommend measuring - for your content. So if you wanted to not have - to rebuild this whole table in a project you’ve already created you - could simply copy the visualization open up your KPI Dashboard - let’s say – KPI Dashboard and then paste that table within the - panel that you have already built out. So we’ll go Insert Copied - Viz and right away here, I have a table that was built - out from that template so hopefully you guys are excited about this feature we’re really - excited to bring it to the product and hope it saves - you a lot of time as you’re building out and organizing - the projects that you’re working with. -
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- Summit 2019 Super Session - Retail
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- Analysis Workspace
- Analysis Workspace Basics
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- Analysis Workspace overview
- Navigate the new landing page
- Start your analysis with a pre-built report
- Building a Workspace project from scratch
- Create and manage custom templates in Analysis Workspace
- Understanding how data gets into your Analysis Workspace project
- Foundational metrics in Adobe Analytics
- Component management in Analysis Workspace
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- View Analysis Workspace performance metrics
- Create bot reports
- Tips and Tricks
- Navigating Workspace Projects
- Data Dictionary in Analysis Workspace
- Starting your first project
- Training tutorial template
- Use folders in Analysis Workspace
- Copy and insert panels and visualizations
- Create a table of contents
- Right-click for Workspace efficiency
- Keyboard shortcuts
- Annotations
- View density
- Use filters
- Use multi-select drop-down filters
- Real-time reports
- Using Panels
- Using Tables, Visualizations, and Panels in Analysis Workspace
- Quick Insights Panel in Analysis Workspace
- Using the Attribution IQ Panel
- Media Concurrent Viewers Panel in Analysis Workspace
- Media Playback Time Spent Panel
- Using Drop-down Filters
- Using Panels to Organize your Analysis Workspace Projects
- Choose segments for a panel
- Multiple Report Suites in Analysis Workspace
- Next/Previous and Page Summary Workspace Panels & Reports
- Understanding attribution panel and lookback windows
- Building Freeform Tables
- Understand your data–freeform tables
- Use the left rail to build freeform tables
- Easy drag and drop to blank projects
- Work with dimensions in a freeform table
- Work with metrics in a freeform table
- Row and column settings in freeform tables
- Freeform table totals
- Use the freeform table builder
- Right-click for workspace efficiency
- Reorder static rows
- Use Attribution IQ in freeform tables
- Cross-sell analysis
- Freeform table filters
- Time-parting dimensions
- Visualizations
- Visualization types and overview
- Visualization use cases
- Data visualization playbook
- Getting data into visualizations
- Using component drop-downs in Workspace
- Area and area stacked visualizations
- Bar and bar stacked visualizations
- Bullet graph visualization
- Donut visualization
- Histogram visualization
- Unlocking insights with histograms
- Line visualization
- Combo charts
- Adding trend lines to line visualizations
- Map visualization
- Summary number and summary change visualizations
- Key metric summary visualization
- Text visualization
- More than words - Using text visualizations and descriptions
- Scatterplot visualization
- Treemap visualization
- Venn diagram visualization
- Use the cumulative average function to apply metric smoothing
- Flexible layouts
- Changing the scale/axis on visualizations
- Dimension-graph live linking
- Set the granularity for visualizations
- Link inside or outside of your project
- Customize visualization legends
- 100% stacked visualizations
- Table and visualization data source settings
- Build a time-parting heatmap
- Analyzing Customer Journeys
- Applying Segments
- Apply segments to your Analysis Workspace project
- Apply ad hoc segments
- Use different Attribution IQ models with segments
- Choose segments for a panel
- Use segments as Dimensions in Analysis Workspace
- Use segments to limit data in Analysis Workspace
- Quick segments in Analysis Workspace
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- Building Customer Journey Segments - Part 2
- Metrics
- Dimensions
- Calendar and Date Ranges
- Curate and Share Projects
- Attribution IQ
- Using Cross-tab Analysis to Explore Basic Marketing Attribution
- Adding side-by-side comparisons of Attribution IQ Models
- Attribution IQ in Calculated Metrics
- Using Attribution IQ in Freeform Tables
- Using the Attribution IQ Panel
- Using different Attribution IQ models with segments
- Algorithmic Model in Attribution IQ
- Custom Look-back Windows in Attribution IQ
- Cohort Analysis
- Cohort Analysis in Analysis Workspace
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- Cohort Table Settings
- Churn Analysis with Cohort Tables
- Cohort Analysis Using Any Dimension
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- Use Cohort Analysis to Understand Customer Behavior
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- Understanding the User’s Voice Journey
- Analysis Workspace Basics
- Administration
- Key Admin Skills
- Creating an empowered community
- Simplify and spend less time training users
- Getting the Right People on Your Analytics Team
- Gaining a seat at the table
- Telling impactful stories with data
- Translating Adobe Analytics technical language in a non-technical way
- Working cross-functionally
- Are you asking the right questions?
- Admin Tips and Best Practices
- Download the implementation playbook
- Audit your data dictionary
- Create standardized naming conventions
- Create standardized code templates
- Create basic videos and training
- Create an internal Adobe Analytics site
- Use a global report suite
- Create a news & announcements project
- Drive success with executive summary dashboards
- Create Operational Dashboards
- Company Settings
- User Management
- Manage Report Suites
- How to Configure General Account Settings
- Customize Calendar Settings
- Configure Paid Search Detection
- Set up marketing channels
- Create marketing channel processing rules
- Manipulating incoming data with Processing Rules
- Configuring Traffic Variables (props)
- Configure traffic classifications
- Configure hierarchy variables
- Configuring Variables in the Admin Console
- Configure conversion classifications
- Configuring List Variables
- Configure Finding Methods
- Set Internal URL Filters
- Configuring Zip and Postal Code Settings
- Enable the Timestamp Optional setting
- Configure bot rules in Analytics
- Data Governance and GDPR
- Traffic Management
- Logs
- Key Admin Skills
- Implementation
- Implementation Basics
- Experience Platform Tags
- Implement Experience Cloud solutions in websites using Tags
- Basic configuration of the Analytics extension
- Configure library management in the Analytics extension
- Configure general settings in the Analytics extension
- Configure global variable settings in the Analytics extension
- Use custom code in the Analytics extension
- Use a data layer to set variables
- Use doPlugins and implementation plug-ins
- Configure easy download link tracking
- Configure easy exit link tracking
- Prepare Tags for your Analytics implementation
- Create data elements for the Analytics implementation
- Create a global page load rule
- Validate the global page load rule
- Create rules for special pages
- Create rules for success events
- Publish Tags libraries to stage and production
- Using JavaScript
- Components
- Segmentation
- Segment builder overview
- Finding and creating segments
- Rolling date ranges in segments
- Segment comparison in Analysis Workspace
- Segment containers
- Segment management and sharing
- Applying segments in Analysis Workspace
- Using segments as dimensions
- Using segments to limit data
- Differences between the segment builder and quick segments
- Sequential segmentation
- Before/After sequences in sequential segmentation
- Segmentation on distinct dimension counts
- Dimension models in segmentation
- Use ‘equals any of’ in segmentation
- Analytics Insider Webinar - Customer Segmentation Strategies
- Now just wait a segment… Using segmentation to discover new insights
- Calculated Metrics
- Calculated metric builder overview
- Calculated metrics - implementation-less metrics
- Calculated metrics - segmented metrics
- Calculated metrics - functions
- Approximate count distinct function in calculated metrics
- Quick calculated metrics in Analysis Workspace
- Manage your calculated metrics
- Attribution IQ in calculated metrics
- Use dimensions in calculated metrics
- Take your data analysis to the next level with calculated metrics
- Classifications
- Virtual Report Suites
- Activity Map
- Segmentation
- Additional Tools
- Exporting
- From the UI
- Data Warehouse
- Data Feeds
- Report Builder
- Upgrade and reschedule workbooks
- Add Segments to Multiple Requests at Once in Report Builder
- Anomaly Detection in Report Builder
- Edit Metrics across Requests
- Using Report Builder to learn the Adobe Analytics API
- Get started with Report Builder
- Schedule a Report Builder request
- Use Report Builder advanced delivery options for Power BI
- Integrations
- Experience Cloud
- Audience Manager
- Target
- Adobe Advertising DSP
- Configuring Advertising Analytics
- Implementing tracking templates into search engines
- Introduction to the Adobe Advertising DSP integration
- Create a Pre-launch campaign analysis
- Report on Advertising DSP marketing channels
- Create Analytics site journey profiles
- Create Analytics segments for activation and reporting
- Create Advertising DSP alerts with Adobe Analytics
- Create Analytics custom metrics with Advertising DSP data
- Create Advertising DSP site entry reports
- Create Advertising DSP dashboards
- Ad Hoc Analytics
- Power BI
- Magento
- Data Science
- Vertical-Specific
- Media Analytics
- Mobile App Analytics
- APIs
- Analysis Use Cases