Edit Your User Profile

Your account profile includes your login credentials and other information. Some user roles can also view information about your organization’s account and invite additional people to create user accounts in the organization account.

  1. In the main menu, click Settings > Account.

  2. Edit your profile settings:

    • To edit the email address for the user account:

      1. Next to the existing Email address, click Edit.

      2. Enter the new email address and the existing password for the user account.

      3. Click Continue.

    • To edit the password for the user account:

      1. Next to the existing Password, click Change.

      2. Enter the new password two times.

      3. Click Continue.

    • To edit the security question for the user account:

      1. Next to the existing Security Question, click Change.

      2. Select a Secret Question and enter a Secret Question Answer.

      3. Click Continue.

    • To edit the default timezone for the user account:

      1. Next to the existing Default Timezone, click Change.

      2. Select the new timezone.

      3. (Optional) To consider Daylight Saving Time in the reported times, select Observe Daylight Savings Time.

      4. Click Continue.

    • (Users who want to use a private seat on Google Authorized Buyers) To edit the private Google Authorized Buyers seat for the user account, which is used by default for all campaigns:

      1. Next to the existing Google AdEx ID, click Change.

      2. Enter the new Ad Group ID.

      3. Click Save.

  3. Click Save.
