Available Third-party Data Providers in Advertising DSP

Data categories and segments for the following third-party data providers are available as placement targets in DSP. These segments are available for primarily U.S. audiences.

The fee for using each segment is shown next to the segment name in placement settings and saved audience settings.

  • Adsquare
  • Audiences by Oracle (BlueKai) (to be sunset 30 September 2024)
  • digitalAudience
  • DLX Mobile
  • eXelate (Nielsen)
  • Eyeota
  • Factual
  • Fraud Protection
  • Ibehaviour
  • Intimate Merger (Japan)
  • LiveRamp
  • Lotame
  • Navegg
  • Neustar
  • NinthDecimal
  • Semcasting
  • TailTarget
  • Tapfwd
  • TruSignal
  • Weborama
  • Zeotap

For more information about importing custom third-party segments for your account, contact your Adobe Account Team.
