View Alerts

DSP helps you identify when any of your campaigns or campaign components have issues. For each issue, DSP creates an alert with a time stamp and the recommended action to resolve the issue. Reasons for alerts include configuration issues (for example, when no ads are attached to a placement or when a deal is set up incorrectly), ad rejection, and campaign health issues (such as poor ad delivery or performance). Alerts are available at the campaign, package, placement, ad, and deal levels.

Alerts are available in the following locations:

  • A Pulse Panel icon in the Campaigns, Packages and package details, Placements, and Ads views indicates if any alerts are available for the items in that view. When the icon has a blue dot ( Pulse Panel icon when alerts are available ), alerts are available. When no dot is visible ( Pulse Panel icon when no alerts are available ), no alerts are available.

  • The data tables in the same views include an “Alerts” column that indicates when the item — or its components — has an issue. Alert indicators include “Critical” ( Critical ), “Warning” ( Warning ), and “Information” ( Information ).

You can open the relevant campaign management view for any alert so that you can edit the settings as needed to resolve the issue.

You can also choose to ignore an individual alert, which removes it from the Pulse panel.

Alerts and alert indicators automatically disappear when the underlying issues are resolved.

View Alerts in the Pulse Panel

  1. In the main menu, click Campaigns.

  2. Do any of the following:

    • (For all alerts applicable for the view) To the right of the toolbar in any campaign management view, click Pulse Panel icon when alerts are available .

    • (For all alerts for a specific campaign) Click the alert indicator for a campaign row, and then click View in Pulse panel.

    • (For all alerts for a specific package, placement, or ad) Do the following:

      1. Click the campaign name.

      2. In the submenu, click Packages, Placements, or Ads to open the relevant campaign component view.

      3. Click the alert indicator for a package, placement, or ad row, and then click View in Pulse Panel.

    All alerts associated with the campaign and its components, including targeted deals, are listed. By default, critical alerts are listed first.

  3. (Optional) To group the alerts according to their first date of detection, or to filter the alerts by alert status, component status, component type, or with a specific campaign name, click Filter button in the upper right of the panel, select the filter options, and then click Apply.

  4. To view a list of all affected campaign components for a specific alert type, click the alert name, such as “Package: No Active Placement (N)”. To view the details for each affected component, including the recommended action, click EXPAND ALL or click the component name. To open the relevant campaign management view for any affected component so you can make the recommended changes, hold the cursor over the component name and click Go to view .

  5. (Optional) To ignore (hide) an alert, hold the cursor over the component name and click Ignore , and then click Ignore indefinitely.

You have a few seconds after ignoring an alert to undo the action. Once the option message closes, you can’t cancel the action.

  1. (Optional) To retrieve ignored alerts, filter the alerts to show an Alert Status of “All” or “Ignored.” To unignore an alert, hold the cursor over the component name and click Un-ignore .

Close the Pulse Panel

  • To the right of the toolbar, click Pulse Panel icon when alerts are available or Pulse Panel icon when no alerts are available .