Last update: Thu Aug 22 2024 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
The following features are new or recently changed.
For More Information
22 August 2024
Custom Reports
The following custom report features and enhancements were released:
The Reports > Custom Reports view was redesigned:
Columns now include “Status,” “Report Run" (which shows dates on which the report was triggered beginning on 22 August 2024),” “Recurrence,” “Created By,” and “Download Report” (with a “Download” button so you can immediately download any report instance from the last four months).
You can filter the list by status, whether the report is recurring or one-time, the report type, the destination type, and the report creator. By default, all unarchived reports created by the user are listed, with the most recent on top.
The quick action buttons for each report (such as Copy and Delete are now available by clicking … next to the report name.
Report scheduling options are now available at the report level, not at the individual destination level. In report settings, the schedule settings are now available near the top in the “Report run schedule” section. If you edit an older report that has different existing schedules for individual destinations, you’ll be prompted to set the schedule and notified that the schedule will replace the existing schedule for all existing destinations.
You can now download the settings for one or more packages in XLSX (Microsoft Excel spreadsheet) format for review. The spreadsheet includes a separate tab with flight information. You can then make changes to most fields in both tabs and upload them back to DSP all at once.
DSP no longer refreshes segment counts for Audiences by Oracle (BlueKai) segments, which will be sunset in late September, and all counts will gradually decrease to zero (0).
30 July 2024
Beginning 14 August, DSP will stop refreshing segment counts for Audiences by Oracle (BlueKai) segments, which will be sunset in late September, and all counts will gradually decrease to zero (0).
Package settings now include an option to “Automatically rollover remaining flight budget to next flight” when the Activate Custom Flighting option is enabled. When the option is enabled, any remaining budget from the previous flight is added automatically to the existing budget for the next flight. You can’t manually edit the Rollover column when the automatic rollover option is selected.
In the Packages view and the [Package Name] > Flights view, the “Interval Goal” column, which shows the current flight goal, includes the rollover budget.
In the Campaigns, Packages, and Placements views, some metrics were renamed based on feedback:
In trend charts, “Required spend” was renamed “Spend benchmark,” and “Target spend” was renamed “Spend target.”
In data tables:
“Yesterday’s required spend” and “Today’s required spend” were renamed “Yesterday’s spend benchmark” and “Today’s spend benchmark.”
The tooltips "Yesterday’s pacing % and “Today’s pacing %” were changed to “Yesterday’s gross spend as % of yesterday’s spend benchmark” and “Today’s gross spend as % of yesterday’s spend benchmark.”
“Yesterday’s target spend” and “Today’s target spend” were renamed “Yesterday’s spend target” and “Today’s spend target.”
Oracle will sunset its advertising business by 30 September 2024. This will disable all services from BlueKai, Oracle Data Cloud (formerly Grapeshot), and MOAT. The following alternatives are already available:
Standard third-party and custom segments: eXelate, Eyeota, LiveRamp, Lotame, Neustar, and other available third-party data partners
Predictive third-party segments: Proximic by Comscore
Campaign-level brand safety and viewability measurement with Integral Ad Science
Placement-level pre-bid viewability with DoubleVerify and Integral Ad Science
Placement-level topic targeting by Proximic by Comscore
CPM pricing for third-party segments is available in the Audience Library, and CPM pricing for services is available at Settings > Fees.
New support is available for custom goals (objectives):
The names of objectives created in Search, Social, & Commerce for use with Advertising DSP packages must now be prefixed with “ADSP_” such as “ADSP_Registrations.” The prefix isn’t case-sensitive. Objectives with this naming convention are available as custom goals within DSP.
Your existing DSP objectives were already renamed for you, and no further work is necessary.
Weight recommendations are now generated for DSP-attributed metrics in objectives. When the objective includes at least one goal metric and one assist metric, recommendations are generated for non-mobile weights (which are used for ads on all device types for DSP) for each assist metric in the objective. Weight recommendations are calculated the next morning after you save or edit the objective definition. The recommendations are updated one day after changes to the objective are detected, or otherwise every seven days. When weight recommendations are available, an indicator (
) appears next to the objective name in Search > Optimization > New Objectives Beta. In one click, you can apply all weight recommendations. All weight changes to objectives prefixed with “ADSP_” are applied algorithmically in DSP within two days.
For more information about objectives and applying weight recommendations, see the Optimization Guide chapter on “(Beta) New Objectives,” which is available from within Search, Social, & Commerce.
24 June 2024
Certified ad serving partners
Support is available for high-impact display ad units served from GumGum.
Trend charts can now include the following optional metrics:
Day pacing: Shows how the “Yesterday’s pacing” metric is trending over time.
Flight pacing ahead/behind: Shows how the cumulative pacing (relative to the time elapsed) is trending over time.
Data tables can optionally include new pacing-related metric columns:
Yesterday’s required spend: The amount that should have been spent yesterday for uniform distribution of the remaining budget through the rest of the flight.
Yesterday’s pacing: Yesterday’s spend as a percentage of yesterday’s required spend. This is an improved version of “Today’s OTS,” which is now deprecated. When today’s pacing is consistently less than 100%, the package or placement is struggling with its budget delivery.
Today’s required spend: The amount that should be spent today for uniform distribution of the remaining budget through the rest of the flight.
Today’s pacing: Today’s spend as a percentage of today’s required spend; the value is updated every 30 minutes. This is an improved version of “Yesterday’s OTS,” which is now deprecated. When yesterday’s pacing is consistently less than 100%, the package or placement is struggling with its budget delivery.
In data tables, the “Yesterday’s goal” and “Today’s goal” columns are renamed “Yesterday’s target spend” and “Today’s target spend.”
(Beta feature) You can now convert your first-party segments from the Amperity and Optimizely customer data platforms to segments comprised of [LiveRamp RampIDs] or Unified ID 2.0 (UID2.0) IDs. Within placement settings for Audience Targeting, the shared segments are available in the First Party Segments list.
In packages with the “Lowest CPA” and “Highest ROAS” optimization goals, the performance models for connected TV ads now use data from multiple touchpoints in the conversion path for quicker and more robust machine learning. Existing packages are upgraded to use multi-touch optimization, and no action is required.
20 May 2024
Connected TV Ads, Pixels, Retargeting Segments
(Open beta; available in US and AUS only) You can now retarget audience segments exposed to a connected TV campaign with additional ads to enhance cross-channel advertising:
Set up an ad exposure segment and copy the impression tracking tag to the desired connected TV placement or ad to begin tracking for the segment.
In the retargeting placement, select the connected TV exposure segment in the Audience Targeting section.
You can download the ad settings and placement associations for all ads in a campaign in XLSX (Excel spreadsheet) format for review from the Ad Tools view.
The Ad Tools view > Attach Pixels tab shows the third-party tracking pixels that are attached to your ads and provides a new workflow to attach pixels to one or more ads and to detach existing pixels.
You can now create and manage bid modifiers, by which a bid is multiplied to increase or decrease the bid, for specified target types for a placement. The default bid modifier is 1.00, which means no increase or decrease; values can range from 0.10 to 10.00. For example, a bid modifier of 0.50 decreases a USD 6 bid to USD 3 (0.50 x 6). When an auction qualifies for multiple bid modifiers, all applicable bid modifiers are multiplied. Bid modifiers never increase the bid to more than the maximum bid.
New CPA (cost per acquisition) and ROAS (return on ad spend) metrics in the package, placement, and related tables provide more accurate performance tracking for packages and placements with related goals. The new CPA metric considers only the final conversion event (such as signups) for computing the cost per acquisition, which gives a more accurate picture of the actual CPA than the legacy custom goal metric, which also included upper-funnel events (such as page visits and shopping cart additions) in its computation. Similarly, the new ROAS metric considers only the final revenue event (such as purchases and purchase values), which is more reliable than the legacy custom goal metric for tracking performance.
Now, when you set up a package with a CPA- or ROAS-based optimization goal, you must specify the final conversion or revenue event, as well as a custom goal that includes the conversion or revenue event; the custom goal can optionally include additional weighted upper-funnel events (such as page visits and shopping cart additions) to be used in addition to the CPA or ROAS metric for package optimization.
In addition, the performance-focused optimization goals were combined for simplicity:
The new “Highest Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)” goal replaces the legacy “Highest ROAS - Custom Goal” and Highest ROAS (click focused) - Custom Goal," with options to achieve either legacy scenario.
The new “Lowest Cost per Acquisition (CPA)” goal replaces the legacy “Lowest CPA - Custom Goal” and Lowest CPA (click focused) - Custom Goal," with options to achieve either legacy scenario.
Your existing packages that used the legacy goals were automatically migrated to the new goals with the relevant settings, and you don’t need to update anything manually.
All actionable non bid reasons (NBR), which are key data points that help troubleshoot underspend issues, are now available to self-serve customers. Previously, self-service users had only partial access to NBRs and had to rely on account managers or trading analysts (who have administrator access) to help troubleshoot.
Alerts for Campaigns, Packages, Placements, Ads, and Deals
A Pulse Panel icon in the Campaigns, Packages and package details, Placements, and Ads views indicates if any alerts are available for items within the view. You can open the panel to view each alert and optionally open the applicable view (for example, the Placements view with the applicable placement listed) so that you can edit the settings as needed to resolve the issue. You can also optionally dismiss any alert.
In addition, the Campaigns, Packages, Placements, and Ads views include an “Alerts” column that indicates when an item or any of its components has an issue.
Alerts are available at the campaign, package, placement, ad, and deal levels.
New placement settings allow you specify a) a minimum placement budget to override the package-level budget allocation whenever sufficient budget is available and b) override the bid price algorithm to bid at least the fixed and floor prices for deals:
In the settings for placements that belong to packages, you can now specify a minimum budget as a percentage of the package budget. To use the feature, select the placement funding option to “Set a Fixed Minimum or Maximum Budget” (formerly “Set a fixed budget cap”). You can still enter a Maximum Budget in USD (like you could before for the budget cap), and you can also enter a Minimum Budget as a percentage of the package budget. For existing placements, your existing settings are retained using the new field names.
In the Inventory Targeting settings, a new option for On Demand inventory and private inventory allows you to “Ensure Fixed or Floor Price for the bid.”
Documentation is now available for sharing first-party data from the Tealium customer data platform with DSP using Amazon Web Services. You can target your DSP placements to the segments using RampIDs. Within placement settings for Audience Targeting, the shared segments are available in the First Party Segments list.
(Beta feature) The new planner tool helps to forecast the household-level unique reach of connected TV (CTV) placements according to specified budget and targeting criteria. After you evaluate multiple plans, you can implement packages and placements that best align with the desired outcomes.
Two new click-based optimization goals are available to all users: Highest ROAS (click focused) - Custom Goal and Lowest CPA (click focused) - Custom Goal.
Two new reach-based optimization goals, Always Max Bid and Maximize Reach and Lowest Cost per Reach, help you reach as many unique households as possible using the same level of impressions or spend, respectively. Both goals are available at both the package level and the placement level.
The new placement forecast tool shows the forecasted number of impressions, spend, and optimum maximum bid for a particular targeting strategy. Forecasting is calculated based on the overall inventory that is available with the placement and the unique users that are available.
You can now quickly associate multiple ads with placements by downloading a spreadsheet file for a campaign or for one or more placements, editing the file to include values in the new “Attached Ad ID” column, and then uploading the edited file. Use the column to add ads to the placement but not remove them.
To download a list of ad names and associated Ad IDs, go to the Ads view, create a custom view that includes the ID metric, and then export the data.
Custom reports now have an End Date, which can be up to four months away. For existing reports, the expiration date is 24 September 2023.
Before a report expires, all specified email recipients receive an email alert seven days and one day before the expiration date. To keep the report longer, change the expiration date in the report settings.
You can now run publisher-managed ads for programmatic guaranteed deals with Google Authorized Buyers SSP. By hosting your ads directly with the publisher, instead of in DSP, you can take advantage of custom rich media ad formats. Custom ad formats are typically run via direct reservations, so the ability to select publisher-managed ads in DSP also allows you to shift your direct reservation budgets to the programmatic ecosystem.
A new Household Report shows impressions, reach, and frequency across various dimensions at a household level based on IP address, rather than at a device/cookie level. The report includes nine dimensions: Campaign, Package, Placement, Site/Apps, Media Type, Device, Audience, Creative Length, and user-created Tags.
A change log, which shows changes made during the selected date range, is now available for each campaign. Change logs were already available for packages and placements.
(Open beta feature) New “Universal Video” placements and ads allow you to target multiple device environments for VPAID and VAST inventory using a single video placement.
Universal video placements include a “Device Environment” setting to specify device type targets (Desktop, Mobile, and Connected TV). Universal video ads can be linked only to universal video placements.
Custom reports include the new placement-level dimension “Device Environment.”
The Inventory > Deals view now includes a “Deal Health” column, which indicates each private deal’s health status: “Success,” “Warning,” “Critical,” or “Unavailable.” You can click the status to see more details, including why a deal isn’t performing or spending as expected and the steps to troubleshoot potential issues.
27 October 2022
A change log, which shows changes made during the selected date range, is now available for each package and placement.
New pacing-related metric columns are available for the Campaigns views: “Yesterday’s OTS” (on target spend), “Yesterday’s delivery,” “Yesterday’s goal,” “Today’s OTS” (on target spend), “Today’s delivery,” and “Today’s Goal.”
Separate pacing controls are now available for flight pacing and intraday pacing. Previously, a single strategy controlled both. Settings for your existing packages and placements were mapped as follows:
Legacy Pacing fill strategy=Even — Now configured as Flight pacing=Even and Intraday pacing=Even
Legacy Pacing fill strategy=Slightly Ahead — Now configured as Flight pacing=Slightly Ahead and Intraday pacing=Even
Legacy Pacing fill strategy=Frontload — Now configured as Flight pacing=Frontload and Intraday pacing=ASAP
Legacy Pacing fill strategy=Aggressive Frontload — Now configured as Flight pacing=Aggressive Frontload and Intraday pacing=ASAP
Auction Insights is a new troubleshooting tool that allows you to analyze the deal composition of both guaranteed and non-guaranteed private deals. Using data visualizations, this tool shows the trend and relative proportions of values received for key auction attributes within a specific time period.
With transparency into bid request data from publishers, you can avoid time-consuming troubleshooting steps.
The new Inventory > Deals view includes the same data customization capabilities as the Campaigns views, including additional filters, column customization and the option to save custom views, column sorting, and a data visualization (chart) view. You can open a command menu in each row by clicking … after the deal name.
The Inventory tab of the placement Inspector now includes customizable data visualization charts and expanded performance metrics, such as Viewability Rate, Clicks, and Yesterday’s CPM.
Additional information about Deal IDs and Simple Ad Serving is now available.
See the subchapter on Inventory > Private Inventory.
10 December 2021
Video tutorials
New video tutorials are available: “Introduction to Advertising DSP,” “Account Structure and User Interface,” “How to Create a Package,” “How to Bulk Upload Third-Party Ad Tags,” and “How to Edit Placements Using Bulk Edit Tools.”
In the Deal ID settings, “Rubicon” was changed to “Magnite DV+,” where DV+ stands for display, video, and other formats such as audio. This naming reflects the new branding for Magnite SSP. Note: Magnite DV+ is still listed as “Rubicon” in the Deal ID Inbox.
You can now create and manage Amazon S3 and different types of FTP delivery locations, called report destinations, for your custom reports. Once you configure report destinations, you can set up each of your new custom reports to be delivered to one or more locations of a single destination type, or to email recipients. Updates to your Amazon S3 and FTP credentials don’t interrupt report delivery.
Your existing reports are still sent to the specified email recipients. To configure delivery to a different report destination, create a report with the new destination.
The placement Inspector now includes an Inventory tab, which shows all deals and their associated metrics for the placement. Use the information to make quick adjustments or troubleshoot issues without generating a custom report.
(Users with permission to include Clearcast clock numbers in their ads) DSP no longer shows an error if you use a clock number that’s attached to another ad. Note: The best practice is to use a unique clock number for each video ad. Otherwise, the publisher won’t approve all of the ads.
Deal IDs
The Deal ID settings and other places in the user interface reflect new branding for Magnite SSP:
The SSP “Tremor” (Telaria) is now “Magnite CTV.”
In the coming weeks, Rubicon" will change to “Magnite DV+,” where DV+ stands for display, video, and other formats such as audio.
You can now submit ads and check the status of ads for Freewheel programmatic guaranteed deals from the Ads view. Previously, you could do both only from the Deals view.
All DSP and other Adobe Advertising documentation on Experience League is now machine translated into all available languages. To change the displayed language, use the “Change Language” menu at the bottom left of any page.