Custom Report Settings
Name: The report name. The maximum length is 180 characters.
Report Type: The type of report: Custom (which includes most available options), Billing, Conversion, Device, Frequency (by Impression), Frequency (by App/Site), Geo, Margin, Media Performance, Segment, Site, Household Reach & Frequency, Household Conversions, Path to Conversions Beta, Path Length Beta, or Time to Conversion Beta.
Report Range Section
This section determines the data that’s included in the report. To set up dates for the report schedule, see the “Report run schedule” section.
Timezone: The timezone for reporting.
Observe Daylight Savings Time: Considers Daylight Saving Time in the reported times.
Range: The date range for which to generate data. The number of days available varies by report and by the selected dimensions. Choose one:
Previous Calendar Week: Includes data for the previous calendar week.
Previous Calendar Month: Includes data for the previous calendar month.
Custom Range: Includes data between specific beginning and end dates. To report data through the previous day, select Present.
Report Run schedule Section
This section determines the dates on which the report is run. To set up the dates for which to include report data, see the “Report range” section.
[Schedule]: When to generate the report:
Immediately: Immediately adds the report to the report queue.
note note NOTE You can also run a custom report at any time from the Reports view. -
On <Date>: Runs the report on a specified date for completion by 09:00 in the account’s time zone.
Recurring: Runs the report according to a schedule during a specified time period.
[Schedule]: How often to run the report:
Daily to run the report every N number of days. For example, to run the report every two weeks (14 days), select this option and enter 14.
Weekly to run the report on specified days of the week. For example, to run the report every Monday and Friday, select this option and select the check boxes next to Monday and Friday.
Monthly to run the report on a specific numeric day of the month, from 1 to 30. For example, the run the report on the first day of every month, select this option and enter 1.
From: The first date on which the report can be run. Depending on the specified schedule, the first report instance may occur after this date.
Until: The report expiration date, which can be up to four calendar months away. Before a report expires, all specified email destinations receive an email alert seven days and one day before the expiration date. To keep the report longer, change this date.
Apply Filters Section
Filter by: (Optional) Additional dimensions by which to filter the data, whether or not the dimensions are included as columns in the report. The available filters vary by report type and may include: Account*, Ad Type, Ads, Advertiser, Campaign, Country, * Package, Placement, Video, and Video Duration.
To apply one or more filters, do the following:
- Select a dimension, select the operator (equals or not equals), and then select the applicable value. For example, to return data for only preroll ads, specify “Ad Type equals Preroll.”
- (Optional) Add additional criteria to the filter.
- (Optional) Add additional filters, each with one or more criteria.
* Account is available for the following report types only when your organization is configured for cross-account reporting: Custom, Site, Segment, Geo, Device, Frequency (by Impression), and Conversion. Contact your Adobe Account Team for more information about cross-account reporting.
Include data from Adobe Advertising SSC: (Path to Conversion, Path Length, and Time to Conversion reports only) Includes data for clicks on search ads from specified Advertising Search, Social, & Commerce campaigns. When you select this option:
Select the Search, Social, & Commerce account using the Filter by SSC Account filter.
Select the campaigns using the Filter by SSC Campaign filter.
To select multiple campaigns, click Add Criteria for the second and subsequent campaigns.
Build Your Report Section
Select To Add As Report Headers: The data columns, or headers, to include in the report. To add a column, expand the category and select the check box next to the column name. The available columns vary by report, and all unavailable metrics are disabled. The available data categories may include:
note note NOTE The Household Reach & Frequency and Path to Conversion reports can include only one dimension.
The Path Length and Time to Conversion reports don’t include dimensions. -
note note NOTE The Household Reach & Frequency report can include either overlap metrics or non-overlap metrics, but not both. -
Conversion Metrics (sorted by advertiser)
Custom Goals (sorted by advertiser)
See “Available Report Columns” for descriptions of all options.
Drag to Re-Order Report Headers Below: The order of the column headers. You can drag and drop any column to customize the order.
Format: Whether to generate a report in CSV (comma-separated values) or Tab (tab-separated values) format.
Headers: Whether to Include or Do Not Include column headers.
Multi-Touch Conversion Options Section
Attribution Rule Settings: The settings vary by report type:
[Attribution Type]: (Household Conversion reports with Conversion Metrics or Custom Goals columns; advertisers with Adobe Advertising conversion tracking only) Within the report, how to attribute conversion data in a series of events that lead to a conversion:
Unique: (The default) Counts the number of times a dimension value (such as a device or placement) was on the path to conversion.
Multi-Touch Attribution (MTA): Distributes the credit of each conversion based on the frequency of occurrence of the dimension value (such as a device or placement) on the path to conversion. For example, if there were total of 10 impressions before conversion, with 8 on CTV and 2 on Mobile, then 80% of the credit (0.8) is given to CTV screens and 0.2 to Mobile.
[Rule Type]: (All Custom, Conversion, Device, Geo, Segment, and Site reports with Conversion Metrics or Custom Goals columns; advertisers with Adobe Advertising conversion tracking only) Within the report, how to attribute conversion data in a series of events that lead to a conversion. You can choose more than one rule if you want to compare differences between the rules.
note note NOTE Conversion paths include any impressions and clicks within the advertiser’s impression or click lookback windows, which are configured in Advertising Search, Social, & Commerce. Clicks are given preference to impressions during conversion attribution. Any clicks in a conversion path receive full credit based on the attribution rule. Impressions receive credit only when no clicks are tracked in the conversion path. -
Last Event: Attributes conversions to the last click or impression in the conversion path.
Weight Last More: Attributes conversions to all events in the conversion path but gives the most weight to the last event and successively less weight to the preceding events.
Even Distribution: Attributes conversions equally to each event in the conversion path.
Weight First More: Attributes conversions to all events in the conversion path but gives the most weight to the first event and successively less weight to the following events.
First Event: Attributes conversions to the first click or impression in the conversion path.
U-shaped: Attributes the conversion to all events in the conversion path but gives the most weight to the first and last events, with successively less weight to the events in the middle of the conversion path.
Display Only: Attributes conversions to the last DSP click or impression in the conversion path. This includes video and connected TV ads and excludes clicks on Advertising Search, Social, & Commerce ads.
Social Only: Obsolete
See also “How Attribution Rules Are Calculated for Adobe Advertising.”
Lookback: (Household Conversion reports with Conversion Metrics or Custom Goals columns, and Path to Conversion, Path Length, or Time to Conversion reports with Conversion Metrics columns only; advertisers with Adobe Advertising conversion tracking only) Within the report, the maximum number of days after an impression event or a click event (for Path to Conversion, Path Length, or Time to Conversion reports) in which a conversion event can be attributed to it. The default is 30 days, and the maximum is 92 days.
note tip TIP If you use Adobe Analytics for Advertising, then use the same lookback window that you use in Analytics.
Paths as Columns: (All Custom, Conversion, Device, Geo, Segment, and Site reports with Conversion Metrics or Custom Goals columns) Which types of conversions to report when prior events occurred on the same device. You can include up to three types. For each selected type, a separate column is included for each conversion metric and is appended with the specified suffix ((tl), (ct), or (vt)):
Total (TL) = CT + VT * VT weight: Includes conversions attributed to clicks (CT for click-through) and to impressions (VT for view-through). Conversions attributed to impressions are multiplied by the specified view-through weight. The default view-through weight is 100%, which means that conversions attributed to impressions are counted as 100% of the value of conversions attributed to clicks.
With Clicks (CT): Includes only conversions attributed to clicks.
Impressions Only (VT): Includes only conversions that were attributed to impressions because no clicks were tracked in the conversion path.
Conversion Reporting Based On: How to report conversion data:
Conversion Timestamp: (The default) Conversions are associated with the conversion date.
Event Timestamp: Conversions are reported based on the date of the impression or click that caused the conversion, as determined by the specified Attribution Rule Settings.
Add Report Destinations Section
Destination Type: Where to deliver the completed reports and error notifications. You can’t change the destination type once you save the report.
None: To not deliver any reports or notifications.
S3: To send the completed report to one or more Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) locations, which you must select in the Destination Name field.
sFTP: To send the completed report to one or more SFTP locations, which you must select in the Destination Name field.
FTP: To send the completed report to one or more FTP locations, which you must select in the Destination Name field.
FTP SSL (Currently in Beta): To send the completed report to one or more FTP SSL locations, which you must select in the Destination Name field.
Email: To specify email address(es) to which to send completed reports or notifications if the report is canceled because of errors.
Email: (Email destination type only) For each address, enter the address and click +.
Destination Name: (S3, FTP, sFTP, and FTP SSL destination types only) The names of the report destinations to which the custom report is sent.
To specify an existing destination, select a destination name from the list. You can select multiple destination names separately.
To create a new destination:
Click Add New Destination.
Enter the report destination settings, and click Save.
Back in the report settings, click Refresh Destination Names.
The new destination is now available from the list of existing destinations, and you can optionally add it to the report.