Review and Edit Package Settings Using Spreadsheets

You can download the settings for one or more packages in XLSX (Microsoft Excel spreadsheet) format for review. The spreadsheet includes a separate tab with flight information. You can then make changes to select fields in both tabs and upload the data back to DSP all at once. Editable fields include most settings that are normally editable.

To edit more fields for one or more packages, see “Edit Packages.”

Download Settings for One or More Packages

  1. In the main menu, click Campaigns.

  2. Click the name of the campaign.

  3. In the submenu, click Packages.

  4. Select the check box next to each package whose settings you want to download.

  5. In the bulk actions toolbar, click > Download Edit in Excel Sheet.

The file is automatically saved to the browser’s Download folder. See “Package Columns in Downloaded/Uploaded Spreadsheets” for a list of the included columns.

Upload Settings for One or More Packages

  1. In the main menu, click Campaigns.

  2. Click the name of the campaign.

  3. In the submenu, click Packages.

  4. Select the check box next to each package whose settings you want to upload.

  5. In the bulk actions toolbar, click > Upload Edit in Excel Sheet.

  6. In the Edit in Excel dialog:

    1. Either drag and drop a file into the box, or click inside the box to select a file from your device or network.

    2. Click Upload.

  7. (Optional) To verify that the updates were processed, click Jobs in the right of the top menu bar.

Package Setting Columns in Downloaded/Uploaded Spreadsheets qa-sheet-columns-packages

In a downloaded spreadsheet, all editable columns are highlighted in blue.

Package Tab

Basic details
Package ID
The numeric ID of the package.
Basic details
Package Name
The name of the package.
Basic details
The package status: active or inactive.
Basic details
An optional description of the package.
Basic details
3rd-party fees - CPM
A static, third-party fee rate to be tracked as a non-billable cost per 1000 impressions, if applicable.
Basic details
3rd-party fees - description
An optional description of the third-party fee rate, if applicable.
Goals & Budget
Package Start Date
The start date of the package.
Goals & Budget
Package End Date
The end date of the package.
Goals & Budget
Pacing Level
At which level to pace and cap placements in the package: Package or Placement.
Goals & Budget
The package budget.
Goals & Budget
Budget Interval
The budget interval: Daily*, Weekly, Monthly, or All Time.
Goals & Budget
Interval Cap
An optional budget interval cap.
Goals & Budget
Interval Cap Period
The interval for the optional budget interval cap: Daily*, Weekly, Monthly, or All Time.
Goals & Budget
Optimization Goal
The objective of the package.
Goals & Budget
Optimization Target
The target value of the goal.
Goals & Budget
Custom Goal Name
(Packages with the “Highest Return on Ad Spend” and “Lowest Cost per Acquisition” optimization goals only)A custom goal that includes the revenue or conversion events used to calculate the CPA or ROAS metric.
Goals & Budget
Conversion Metric Name
(Optional; packages with the “Highest Return on Ad Spend” and “Lowest Cost per Acquisition” optimization goals only) The final conversion event or revenue event/sale amount to use for computing the return on ad spend or the cost per acquisition.
Goals & Budget
Package Goal Type
(Packages with custom optimization goals only) The purpose of the package, which helps determine how to optimize the package: Prospecting, Retargeting, or Other .
Goals & Budget
Linked Package id for learning carryover
(Packages with custom optimization goals only) The package ID for another package whose historic data is used as input for optimizing the package.
Goals & Budget
Linked Package Name for learning carryover
(Packages with custom optimization goals only) Another package whose historic data is used as input for optimizing the package.
Goals & Budget
Pace on
Whether the package is pacing towards the budget or primary_goal (for impressions).
Goals & Budget
Primary Goal Amount
(When you pace the package on impressions) The target number of impressions during the specified time interval.
Goals & Budget
Primary Goal Interval
(When you pace the package on impressions) The time interval for the target number of impressions.
Goals & Budget
Flight Pacing
The flight pacing strategy for the package: Even, slightly ahead, frontload, or aggressive frontload.
Goals & Budget
Intraday Pacing
The intraday pacing strategy for the package: Even or ASAP.
Goals & Budget
Frequency Cap
The primary frequency cap for the package during the specified Frequency Cap Interval.
Goals & Budget
Frequency Cap Interval
The interval for the primary frequency cap: Day, Week, or Month.
Goals & Budget
Frequency Cap Interval Value
The number of weeks, days, hours, or minutes for which the primary Frequency Cap applies. For example, if the primary cap is 12 impressions per month, then the value here would be 12.
Goals & Budget
Secondary Frequency Cap
The secondary frequency cap for the package during the specified Secondary Frequency Cap Interval
Goals & Budget
Secondary Frequency Cap Interval
The type of interval for the secondary frequency cap: Week, Day, Hour, or Minute. The applicable number of weeks, days, hours, or minutes is indicated by the Secondary Frequency Cap Interval Value.
Goals & Budget
Secondary Frequency Cap Interval Value
The number of weeks, days, hours, or minutes for which the Secondary Frequency Cap applies. For example, if the secondary cap is three impressions per six hours, then the value here would be 6.
Custom Flights
Activate Custom Flights
Whether or not to create non-even pacing flights for the package T (true) or F (false). Once you enable custom flighting and save the package, you can’t disable custom flighting nor edit the package start date.
Custom Flights
Automatic Budget Rollover
(Available only when the Activate Custom Flighting option is enabled) Whether or not to automatically add any remaining budget from the previous flight to the existing budget for the next flight: T (true) or F (false).
Any relevant errors.

Package_Flights Tab

Flight Details
Package ID
The numeric ID of the package.
Flight details
Flight ID
The numeric ID of the flight.
Flight details
Flight Start Date
The first date of the flight.
Flight details
Flight End Date
The final date of the flight.
Flight details
Flight Budget
The target spend goal for the flight.
Flight details
(Existing packages without the “Automatically rollover remaining flight budget to next flight” option enabled) An amount of potentially unspent budget to add to the next flight.