Commercial telework agreement

Learn how to efficiently collect signatures from all your employees on telework agreements, policy updates, and more. First you create a reusable document template that is quickly accessible from your document library. Second, you send the new document template out for signature to hundreds of employees at once using Mega Sign.

Hi, my name is Lori DeFurio and I’ll be spending the next few minutes reviewing how to use Mega Sign in Adobe Sign to quickly and easily send an agreement to many users at once. Before I jump into the recipe, I want to review the apps & services used. The recipe requires Adobe Sign Enterprise. If you don’t have access, check with your IT team or contact your Adobe Customer Success Manager. Additionally, there’s a PDF form and Acrobat may come in handy if you’d like to review how the form fields were created on the template. And, since Mega Sign requires a list of recipients, we’ve included a CSV example for you to review. Your Adobe Sign account will need to be configured to allow you, or your Sign users, access to Mega Sign. Just select the Account tab - Account Settings, Global Settings, and ensure Mega Sign is enabled. The example form which is attached to the recipe is an example of an acknowledgement of an employee handbook - something that might need to be sent to all employees. The file included has all the form fields you’ll need so that when loaded into Adobe Sign the forms fields will be available. I’m starting at I select Sign from the menu, and then Create a Template. Now I’m in Adobe Sign, and I’ll select Create a reusable template. I’ll enter a name for my template and select Add Files to locate my form. The Microsoft Word template is attached. I’ll decide how to make this template reusable and who can access the template. And because I added the fields in Acrobat, everything is already available in Adobe Sign. Make sure you know what the field names are in Adobe Sign. We’ll need those for the Excel workbook. And now just click Save. and the library template is ready. Now, let’s look at the Excel spreadsheet. The first column is required - it’s the email address of the recipient. And the rest of the columns are field names from your form. For example, Signer_name, Signer_title, Signer_phone_number. Ok, now that we have a template and a list of recipients - let’s go back to the Home tab of Adobe Sign. and select Send in bulk with Mega Sign. First I’ll select Import Recipients. and Upload to select my workbook. I’ll add an agreement name And attach the template we created. Select Document Library, and scroll through the list until you find yours. Click Send and you’re done! To check on the status of this Mega Sign - select the Manage tab. Select Mega Sign from the left. And then the agreement. You can see the status of that agreement and the actions - including Download Form Field Data to create a spreadsheet . of all the submissions. And that’s it. Thanks for watching and take care and be safe. -

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