Creating a report

Learn how to build your own reports to gain visibility into your document signing process, or see how individual groups or users are doing.

Reporting is only available for business- and enterprise-level plans.
Learn about the new visual reporting experience in Acrobat Sign. I’ll go to the Adobe Acrobat Sign dashboard, click on the Reports tab, and for the Reports tab you’ll see that there’s a new option here to switch to the new experience. The dashboard automatically loads an overview of the agreement traffic from the previous seven days, containing a summary at the top, and three charts displaying the percentage of agreements completed, the total agreement volume trend, and the average time for an agreement to complete. Over on the left, you’ll see an overview, which is the page I’m on now, and the reports that I’ve created. I’ve got three agreement reports and one export. I also, at the bottom, have a recent reports list. I’m going to go down here and open one of my existing reports. All charts are built with the same layout and functionality. The name of the saved chart is displayed at the top. If I click All Charts, it shows me all of the charts that are included in this specific report. I can identify the date range, the filters that are currently included, the numerical summary of all the agreements based on the status, the actual graphical charts. For each chart, I’m going to be able to click and view the chart details. I can view the data table that shows me all the statistics specifically around the time to complete, number of agreements, and actual dates. Finally, I can actually view the raw data. This is great because I can take from the report and I can drill down into the actual agreements that make up the detail of each of these reports. Let’s go back to our reports home page. We just took a look at one of the reports that we recently created. Now let’s take a look at our exports. I’ve got an export that I’ve created out here already. I’ve called it All Data. Let’s take a look at the output. Click on Download. That will download a CSV file that you can inspect. Let’s take a look at that CSV file. Here you go. Here’s an example of what the output from the extract looks like. I’ve got all the columns and all the data. And this is an aggregation of all the agreements that I’ve selected throughout that creation process.