Send in Bulk
Learn how to send and collect hundreds of signatures (up to 1,000 recipients with each bulk send) in just a few short steps saving your organization hours of time. Everyone gets their own document to sign, and you can track the progress of each individual that you’ve sent the document to—so you know exactly who or who hasn’t signed. Each online signature you capture is safe, secure, and legally valid.
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Sent in bulk allows you to collect hundreds of signatures in just a few short steps, saving your organization hours of time. Each person you send a document or multiple documents to gets their own copy to sign, and you can track the progress of each individual that you’ve sent the document to so you can know exactly who or who hasn’t signed. For those who haven’t signed, you can send reminders. Each online signature you capture is safe, secure and legally binding. In this example, we have an employee handbook update that requires all employees to acknowledge that they received and reviewed it. So to start, we’ll select Send in bulk on the home screen. And any time you plan to send a document out for signature to hundreds or thousands, it’s best practice to do a test run first with one or two emails. You can add your file from your device, or we can select from the template library, which we’re going to do. You can also choose to add more files, and then underneath the settings you can set a completion deadline. An email reminder. We’ll set this for every two days. You can add an open password and set the recipient’s language. By default, the simple send in bulk is displayed when you select ADD recipients. Here, you can simply enter the email address of the recipients or paste a comma separated emails to quickly add them in bulk. Alternatively, you can upload a csv comma separated value file listing each recipient. Go ahead and select the download sample to take a look at all the customizations you can do for each agreement. Each row of the CSV file represents a unique agreement for a unique recipient. The row contains recipient’s information and all columns except for the signer. Email are optional. You can do numerous types of customizations like setting the role of the signer, authentication, private messages, security option, and even merging form fields. The first column is the email address of the recipient. And here you can enter up to a thousand email addresses. I’m just going to paste all my information here from another spreadsheet, and then you simply save the file in CSV format. Keep in mind that the fields in the document that you’re sending need to have the same exact names that you see at the top of the column. And be sure to save the file in CSV format. Now that we’ve got our CSV file selected, you can see that there are 31 agreements that will be sent. There are no other errors on the page. And if you need to, you can add a CC and you simply select send now and then a confirmation page will appear. Confirming that the employee handbook has been sent out for signature. When you select Manage this bulk send, you can see who has signed and who is not in the right hand pane and even send reminders at this point. Or you can select the manage page and choose bulk sends to track the progress of each document. Now let’s flip over to Outlook to see what each recipient sees in their email. They just click on Review and sign in the email message and follow the tabs to get started. These will guide them to exactly where they need to sign or enter information. When they get to the signature, they can type draw. Use an image or sign using a signature from their mobile phone. Each recipient gets their own signed copy of the employee handbook that they can download For reference. Send in bulk is a simple and easy way to send the same document to thousands of people at the same time. Every signature is trackable. Safe and secure with Acrobat Sign.
Download sample CSV file in ZIP format. Learn about all the values you can set in your CSV file here.
This video is part of the Advanced Tasks for Users and Getting Started with Acrobat Sign for Administrators courses that are available for free on Experience League!