Setting up Merge Mapping in Salesforce

Learn how to merge data from Salesforce directly into an Acrobat Sign document.

Hi, I’m Serge St. Felix, and today I’ll show you how you can use Merge Mappings in Salesforce with Acrobat Sign, so let’s get started.
So what are Merge Mappings? Merge Mappings is when you have an agreement and you want to add data from Salesforce into an agreement or into a document. So here I have a very simple non-disclosure document, and I have a couple fields where I want to insert the first and last name of the individual, and then down below I have a signature field. So the first thing I’ll do is I’m going to bring this agreement into Acrobat Sign so I can create it as a reusable template, so let’s see how this works. So here I am in Acrobat Sign. I will go ahead and click on Create Reusable Template. And as I’m doing that, I will select the template type and who can use this template, and then grab this from my desktop. And so here’s the actual template that I want to use and then we’ll go ahead and click on Preview and Add Fields. So right now, Acrobat Sign is taking this agreement or this document, it’s scanning it, and it’s preparing it for authoring. Now, one thing I like about Acrobat Sign is the use of the Adobe Sensei technology. It automatically detected some fields in this document that I can use for form fields. So I’ll go ahead and click on this Place Fields call to action, and automatically my form fields are place. So I have two fields up above and I have my signature field. Now, before I save this document, I want to give my first and last name, name field a name. So I’ll double click on this first one and we’ll call this First Name. Now it’s important that the naming of this field is taken into consideration because I’ll be using this same field name in Salesforce. I want to make this a read-only field. I’ll click Okay. And I’ll do the same thing for this second field, which we will call Last Name. I’ll make this also read-only, and then I’ll double click and check my signature field is going to one participant. I’m good to go.
So now I’m going to give this agreement a different name. This will be called Altura NDA Merge Map.
And then I’ll go ahead and click Save. So now I have a reusable template within Acrobat Sign, we’re going to jump into Salesforce so we can leverage the template and make some other configurations.
So here I am in Salesforce. So I’ll do two things. First, I’m going to create a Merge Map. Once I’m done with the Merge Map, then I’ll actually create an agreement template that I can use. So here I am in the Merge Map section. I’ll go ahead and click on New, and then I’ll give this a name, and we’ll call this Salesforce to Acrobat Sign because, again, I want to take data from Salesforce and I want to automatically populate the agreement.
So the first thing I’ll do, under Map Salesforce Objects to Document Fields, the document field is referring to the Acrobat Sign field that I use. So that first field was first name, and I’m going to add a second one, and that was my last name. Now I need to make sure that I’m using a Salesforce object which is already selected. And then I need to go in and identify the actual field from this Salesforce object. So we’re going to go over to Recipients.
And the recipient that I want to use is the one that’s under Contact. Contact is the object. Next, I want to select this dropdown, and I want to find the first name field. And here it is. I’ll go ahead and click on Done. And I’ll do the exact same thing for my last name. Again, we’re looking for the recipients under the Contact object. And then this time we’re going to look for the last name.
And here we have it. So I’ll go ahead and click Done. And I’ll go ahead and click Save. So now I’m done with my Merge Map, last thing I need to do is create my template. So I’ll go ahead and click on under Agreement Templates, New Agreement Template.
And we’ll go ahead and call this Altura NDA Merge Map.
And I’ll click Save.
Now I need to do a couple configurations. First thing I’ll do is I’m interested in the Salesforce object, so I’ll click on this dropdown, and I will select Choose from Other Objects. And I’ll go ahead and type in Contacts, and then I’ll search for it.
And we’ll click Search, and here’s my Contact object. Next thing I’ll do is I’ll go to the Attachments tab. And since I’ve created my reusable template, I will select Adobe Acrobat, Adobe sign, and I’ll type in mappings.
We’ll type Altura NDA, and we’ll search for it.
And there it is, Altura NDA Merge Map.
Over in Recipients, I want to keep that blank because I want to have the liberty of selecting any contact for this agreement. So we’ll go over to Data Mappings. And here I will select Merge Mapping and automatically my Merge Mapping that I’ve just created appears. So I’ll select that, I’ll click save, and now I’m ready to go. So let’s see this in action. We’ll go over to the Salesforce picker, and I will type in contacts.
And then we’ll select Stacy Pak.
And so now I’m ready to actually send Stacy an agreement. I want to use the Altura NDA Merge Map Agreement.
And now once this agreement apopulates, I can select Stacy’s email or just typing her name, and this will be the email address that I’ll be sending this agreement to.
Now down below you can see that I have my Merge Map document. I’m going to check this box so I can see the actual agreement.
And so what’s happening here is Salesforce is now going into Acrobat Sign and it’s going to give me a preview of the actual agreement. And notice, here is Stacy’s first and last name. I also have my signature field, so I’m ready to sign. I’ll click on Send. And now the agreement has been sent. I’ll click OK, and we’ll go over to my tablet. Let’s open up this email.
And there’s the actual agreement itself.
So here, I’ll click on Review and Sign. This’ll open up in a web browser, and I can click Continue. And there’s Stacy’s name.
Scroll down, we’ll click here to sign. And I can type her name, and that’s all there is to it. I’ll click Apply, click Finish, and then tap to sign.
So this is how you can use Merge Maps in Salesforce within Acrobat Sign. I hope this video was helpful. Thanks for watching. -