Enhanced reporting with Customer Journey Analytics
Last update: January 27, 2025
- Topics:
- Reporting
- Intermediate
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Journey Optimizer reporting is now fully integrated with Customer Journey Analytics capabilities, standardizing reporting across both platforms and improving data consistency and reliability. This seamless integration between Journey Optimizer and Customer Journey Analytics provides a clearer view of performance metrics, enabling users to make more informed decisions.
For detailed documentation, see Analyze in Customer Journey Analytics.

Hello, this is Travis Sabin with Adobe Analytics Product Management and today I’m going to walk you through the new reporting experience for Adobe Journey Optimizer. So we have updated the reporting experience within Journey Optimizer within campaigns, journeys, reports, landing pages, as well as subscription lists. I’m going to walk you through some of the new features that we’ve added to the reporting experience. So I’m going to start by opening our reports. Within reports, we get a great overview of some high level reporting metrics across my journeys, campaigns, and activities that I’m performing. So here you can see some high level metrics that I’m tracking across on my journeys, my click through rates, complaints, unsubscribes. I’ve got a list of all my journeys in one single place. I know this has been long sought after, but now instead of looking at each journey’s metrics individually, you can look at them in one single table and compare them against one other to see which ones are performing best. You can scroll down to see campaigns. We have these pre-built filters here so you can filter by campaign name or you can filter by a channel if I want to see just my email campaigns or if I want to see just my web campaigns or my direct mail campaigns, for example. So you can use the filters here to control some of the data that you have displaying in these reports. You can also scroll down using the left rail here, this table of contents to scroll down to various aspects of the report itself and it will automatically scroll for you. I want to focus on some of our journeys to begin though. Again, this table has an overview of all my journeys here, or my top 50 in this case, 15, all on the same table. And each of these is a hyperlink to an individual report for each specific journey. So in this case, I want to open up Paul’s exit criteria. Now I’ve got this journey report with a ton of great specific metrics for this particular So I’ve got all my high level journey stats right here. I can see those all quickly in one place. We’ve got our journey canvas visualization that is new. It was purpose built for AJO. So you can see how your journeys are performing here in the fallout. This is a really simple, simple journey, but any of your more complex journeys can be displayed here with some settings to adjust some of the arrows, the percentage values, the node types that you’re displaying and things like that. So you can modify how this is displaying. You can also see the fallout across each of the steps along the way, if there is any fallout for that journey. So you’ve got a brand new journey canvas tool at your disposal within the journey reports. And then at the bottom of every individual report that we’ve added in journey optimizer is what we call our insight builder. So if I scroll to that, obviously these reports are out of the box, not really modifiable other than the filters we’ve added. But at the bottom of each one, we’ve added this insight builder where you can ask a question. So maybe I want to know what other channel, for example, is popular for this particular journey. And I want to know maybe what week this was occurring most likely. So I can do up to three breakdowns here. And let’s say I want to view it by sends and I also want to see delivers maybe. And so as soon as I add at least one dimension, one metric, I got this table already building this data for me. So I see you’ve got this journey itself, pause exit criteria by email channel, and then which weeks are performing best for me. So I can see my October 27 data is performing best based on my sends and my delivered. So I’ve got this table and visualization quickly built on the fly for me so I can ask additional questions beyond what’s already captured in this really, really great prebuilt report. So again, that’s the insight builder that is available in every single report that we’ve added to journey optimizer for modification and on the fly questions and analysis. So once I’ve got this to a state where I want, I can share this out here up at the top. I can do it as a CSV. I can download a PDF or I can schedule it to be exported. Every organization has up to 10 schedules. So you’ll see a schedule manager there to see how many slots you’ve got left. You can choose your format type, your frequency, when you want it to start sending on, how long you want it to send, how often you want it sent and all that kind of stuff. You can manage that file to be sent on that schedule. Once you’ve sent one, you come back here and you click on manage schedules and you can modify, change or delete any of these schedules that you’ve got set up here. So if I don’t want this one anymore, I can go ahead and delete it and free up a new slot for other reports to be scheduled and sent. Now, one last thing I wanted to show is the option to analyze in CJA. So for any of our AGO and CJA customers directly in the product, we’ve built this option to dig deeper and analyze even further within CJA. So again, this is all preset out of the box ports that you can’t really do much for other than some of the filters and the insight builder. But if you want to dig deeper, you can click on this analyze in CJA button and it’ll pop you into a new tab directly within CJA. And now I’ve got that exact same report already built, just like I saw in AGO. And I can come in and I can start adding additional dimensions, metrics and the like. So if I want to see these sends and delivereds right on my stats table, I can add those here. If I wanted to add a new visualization of some kind, if I wanted to build a cohort, for example, I could do that. And maybe I want to see the same thing. I’m curious about my sends and my delivered over, let’s say a week. I click build and now I can see some of that data here in a cohort table. So I can do a whole bunch of modification as a CJA customer and do all the normal goodness you can within CJA. And then let’s say I want to send it back to AGO because now I’ve modified it to the way that I want for the rest of my downstream marketing team to look at. So I can come in and save it as a template. I can provide some of this out of the box for two. Let’s say this is Travis’s template. I can give a description why I might want to use this for my channels. This is a web use case within AGO. You select AGO here from the use cases, and then you pick the activity type. This is a journey activity. So I’m going to pick journeys. And then I search for that specific one. So this originated from my Paul’s exit criteria. So I’m going to pick that option here and I click save as template. Now, once I save it, if I come back to my Paul’s exit criteria here within AGO, you’ll see at the top, there was this dropdown to select a template. When it opens, it preloads with the Adobe template. But because I have created a custom one, I can click on Paul’s exit criteria. Travis template two. This is the one that I created earlier. And after I select my specific template from the menu here, you can see I’ve got the one that I built with my sends and delivered on my table and any other modifications that I’ve added. And now if I wanted to, I can go back to the Adobe template if I don’t want to look at this specific custom one, but I have the option to toggle back and forth between the two. So that’s a great workflow where you can start in AJO, open it in CJA and modify it in CJA and then publish it back in AJO for our downstream users to consume those modified and purpose built templates you put together for your users. Those are just some of the great new capabilities that exist within AJO for our customers. So we hope you enjoy them. Thank you.
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Journey Optimizer
- Journey Optimizer Tutorials
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- Introduction to Journey Optimizer
- Campaigns
- Journeys
- Journey Designer - Overview
- Discover the new Journey Designer
- Introduction to building a journey
- Use case - Transactional journey
- Use case - Business event
- Use case - Read audience
- Use case - Audience qualification
- Create a test profile
- Publish a journey
- Update content in a live journey
- Copy a journey to another sandbox
- Profiles, audiences, and subscriptions
- Channels
- Content Management
- Personalize content
- Personalization editor - Overview
- Profile and audience membership-based personalization
- Add offers as personalization
- Use contextual event information for personalization
- Use helper functions for personalization
- Use and manage saved expressions in the personalization library
- Create dynamic content with the condition rule builder
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