Create AI models
Last update: September 29, 2023
- Topics:
- Offers
- Beginner
- User
Learn how to create an AI model for Offer Decisioning and how to apply it to a decision.
feature: Offers

And I’m excited to show you AI ranking models in offer decisioning. You can now use a trained model that ranks the best offer to display for a given profile. To do this, go into decision management and within components and ranking, find the AI models tab. And now you’ll see the inventory of the models that you have created. You can have up to five of them and create a new model by clicking there. Go ahead and give it a name, Brandon test model. And you can see that there are two different model types. The first is auto optimization. This model aims to serve offers that maximize the return of business metrics. Auto optimization focuses on an optimizing offer clicks with offer conversions as the target. Auto optimization is non-personalized, based on goal performance of the offers. We also have personalized optimization. This model allows you to define business goals and utilizes customer data to train business oriented models to serve personalized offers and maximize KPIs. So I’m going to go ahead and select the personalized optimization model. You can also give a description. And for this model, I need to select the data set where the feedback events that I’m training the models are located. And now I can choose segments. Going to select just a few segments here. And the model will use these segments when determining the best offer to maximize my metric of clicks to impressions. Now I’ll go ahead and save and activate. Now the last step I need to do is use that model. So I’ll go into my decisions. This is the decision I want to change so that it uses that model. This decision scope is referencing a placement for a mobile app hero image. And I’m going to change the ranking method from offer priority to AI model. And now I just need to select which model I want to use. So I’ll select the one that we just created, brand and test model. And I can see a summary of the change that I made that the ranking method is now brand and test model for this decision. And I can click finish and it has updated successfully.
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