Discover the new Journey Designer
Last update: May 1, 2024
- Topics:
- Journeys
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- User
Discover the new redesigned journey canvas and how to leverage live reporting in journeys.

In this video, we will introduce you to a new enhancement we’re bringing to the journey designer in Adobe Journey Optimizer. We will introduce our new redesigned journey canvas and how to access it, and describe the new live reporting capability available directly in the journey canvas. Here, on the journey optimizer home page, when I click on the journeys on the left nav, I am taken to the list of existing journeys. Here, I can choose to create a new journey by clicking on the create journey button, or choose to duplicate an existing one. By creating a new journey, I am able to access the new and improved journey canvas UI, which fits seamlessly within the Adobe Experience Cloud solutions and App ecosystem, making for an intuitive and efficient user experience. Activities will now be represented by square boxes with the following specificities. The first line represents the activity type, which will often be overwritten by more contextual information. Here for example, when I select an audience, this line will be replaced by the name of the selected audience. I can also choose to select a custom label, if I want to provide more clarity about what this activity is about. The second line always representing the activity type, here for instance, this activity is a read audience. This new UI improves the readability of the journey canvas by providing clearer activities labels and types. It also allows Adobe to add more valuable information in your canvas with fewer clicks needed. One example of more information would be the inclusion of live reporting directly available in your journey canvas, when you can see profiles entering or exiting your activities. Let’s skip time to when I will be ready to publish my journey. By clicking on the publish button, my journey will move to the live status. Here, after a few minutes, I will be able to see the last 24 hours reporting information directly available in the journey canvas. On each activity, I will see the number of profiles who entered that activity and the number who exited because of an error. The more profiles will go into the path between activities, the bigger the path will be. So now you’ve seen our new redesigned journey canvas live reporting. Remember that you accessed them, you will need to create a new journey or duplicate an existing one. Thank you for watching.
Previous pageJourney Designer - Overview
Next pageIntroduction to building a journey
Journey Optimizer
- Journey Optimizer Tutorials
- Use Cases
- Introduction to Journey Optimizer
- Campaigns
- Journeys
- Journey Designer - Overview
- Discover the new Journey Designer
- Introduction to building a journey
- Use case - Transactional journey
- Use case - Business event
- Use case - Read audience
- Use case - Audience qualification
- Create a test profile
- Publish a journey
- Update content in a live journey
- Copy a journey to another sandbox
- Profiles, audiences, and subscriptions
- Channels
- Content Management
- Personalize content
- Personalization editor - Overview
- Profile and audience membership-based personalization
- Add offers as personalization
- Use contextual event information for personalization
- Use helper functions for personalization
- Use and manage saved expressions in the personalization library
- Create dynamic content with the condition rule builder
- Decision Capabilities
- Data Management
- Report and monitor
- Configuration
- Access Control
- Data Governance and Privacy
- Exercises and challenges
- Experience League Live show recordings
- Summit Labs