Create an in-app campaign
- Beginner
- User
Understand what an in-app message is. Learn how to create, configure, and publish in-app messages in Campaigns.
Hi, I’m San Hausmann. I’m a senior product marketing engineer for Adobe Journey Optimizer, and today I will be showing you how to create an in-app message using Campaigns. To follow along with this tutorial you will need to be pre-configured and enabled for in-app messaging on Adobe Journey Optimizer. Please check with your administrator or refer to the documentation if you have any questions.
I will start by telling you a bit about what in-app messaging is before I show you how to actually create an in-app Campaign.
I’ll also show you how to review and publish a message when you are done designing it.
An in-app message leverages specific user actions and events during a user’s mobile journey to increase overall engagement and customer experience levels. Unlike push notifications, in-app messages are a conversational and engaging two-way form of communication that provides contextual information when the user is actively engaging with the app.
You can control what the user sees, when you want them to see it, and how you think it would be most beneficial. Let’s dive right into the tool and create a Campaign. On the left side navigation, click on Campaigns.
Here, you see the complete repository of Campaigns that have already been created and their status.
To create a new Campaign, click on the create Campaign button on the top right. From here, you’ll be able to select the applicable message channel, and for today’s purposes, I will keep the Campaign type as scheduled and select the in-app messaging channel.
You’ll need to select the corresponding surface that you would like to use for this message. Click create when you’re ready to begin. You’re redirected to the properties page for your in-app message. This is where you define the specific rules of your in-app message. In the properties section, give the Campaign a custom title and if you like a description. This is not mandatory so I will leave it empty.
The audience section, the first option is to select the specific audience you would like to target with your message. All app users is set as default.
If you would like to change this to a different audience that you previously created, press the select audience button. This will bring up the repository with all of your previously created audiences. Select one and then hit save when you’re done.
The second dropdown allows you to change the identity name space used for this Campaign. For our purpose, I will leave it set to ECID.
In the action section, you have the option to change the app service and this is where you can also author your message by hitting the edit content button. For more information on how to author messages, please refer to the video called “Author in-app messages.” In the trigger section, you define which interaction will trigger the in-app message and how often it is shown. By default, it is set to fire every time when the application launches. To change the trigger, click on the edit triggers button.
Here, you can define the condition or conditions that will trigger the message to show in the app. So let’s remove the standard condition. I want the message to fire when the app user clicks a specific button in the app, so I will add a condition.
First, I need to select the event. You can choose from three categories and multiple events within these categories. Platform, core tracking, or application lifecycle events. For our use case, I will select track state.
Next, I need to add a condition which is a logic statement and applies to the trigger. First, you need to select the trait, which again falls under three categories; core tracking, device info, and application lifecycle. In addition, depending on the event you select, you have the option to divine a custom trait. You can combine multiple rules.
In our use case, our app developer has added a tracking state to the app so I will track for the booknow state the developer added.
So basically, when the user clicks on the booknow button, the state is activated and the message should fire.
Once the conditions are set, you need to define the frequency that you would like your message to be shown to your users. Again, you have several options; everytime, once, until click through, and X number of times where X, you can define.
By default, it’s set to everytime. But I would like the message to only show until click through.
Now, you can also define specific days of the week or times of day. For example, TGIF, thank God it’s Friday, or a happy Friday related message, should probably only be shown on Fridays. Or you could limit the time of day when your offer message should be shown. Happy hours, lunchtime, morning.
Click done once you have completed the trigger configuration. Finally, in the schedule section, you can define a specific date and time that you would like your Campaign to start and end. By default, these times are set to when manually activated and stopped. This is also connected to the message frequency we configure in the trigger. I will schedule my Campaign to only be active during two weeks in April.
Now that I’m done configuring my message, I need to select the review to activate button. This opens the final screen where we can preview the message on the left and review the settings and the summary on the right. So my message will only be active between two dates in April. It will fire when the user clicks on the booknow button and it will only show until click through. So in the message, we have, you can see it on the left, a button, and when they click on that button, they will not see this message again. Now, if you are satisfied with your message, click the activate button on the top right and that’s it. This will activate and publish the message. Now we’re back on the list view of the Campaigns. You can see the status of the message change as it goes through the final publishing process. My message is now marked as scheduled as it’ll only activate during the defined date. If I had not defined the schedule but had said it to manually activate, my message would show as live. You now know how to create an in-app Campaign. Thank you for watching.
Additional resources
Experience League LIVE:
Maximize your mobile app’s potential with Adobe Journey Optimizer
Learn the benefits of in-app messaging as a real-time engagement channel and how to configure and author personalized mobile app experiences in Adobe Journey Optimizer.