Create content templates
- Topics:
- Templates
- Beginner
- User
Learn how to create, edit, and use content templates.

With content templates, marketers and content managers can easily build a reusable email content, and then use this inside journeys and campaigns. This can be leveraged to create a base template to kickstart content creation for any journey or campaign, or it can also be used to build a full-blown content, created specifically for a given journey, or a given campaign. In this video, we learn how to create and edit a new content template from the inventory. We’ll also see how to use those content templates to build content faster in your journeys and campaigns. And finally, we will see how to save any content as a content template on the go. This way you can make them reusable in other journeys and other campaigns. Let’s take a look. So we are here in Adobe Journey optimizer, and, in the left menu, you can see the content templates inventory, under the content management section. From this inventory, you can manage and create your content templates. You can filter them, you can search for them, and you can create a new one. When doing so, you are required to set a name. Optionally, you can set a description, and you can set your permissions. Let’s create this one.
So here, we are presented with the classic email editing option. So, we are able to design a content template from scratch. You can code it, you can import an HTML, or you can also leverage another template to build this one.
In this example, we’ll just import an HTML that I’ve been preparing.
So, when editing my content template, we have all the classic features that we have in email designer. So, we are able to leverage assets, we’re able to drag and drop components. We also have access to all the personalization features. In this case, let’s look for profile attribute that we want to add. So, for example, the first name, we can also build conditional content. So, if I access this here, we can see the variants here. So, we have a default variant with given image, another one with a different image. So we can set conditions against each of those experience. And once our content is ready, we also have access to the simulate content feature, where we can preview this email against different profiles. So we can see, the experience that is rendered, that is different. We can see the first name that is being added.
And, while testing this email, we can also do the email rendering. We have the ability to send proofs, and, once all this is done, our content template is ready. We can save it, and go back to the inventory.
Now, with this content template, I will be able to create my journey, and edit content, an email content, here, for example. And, instead of building this from scratch, I will be selecting that pre-made template, so we can find it, back here, under the saved template section we have the ability to preview our template before selecting it, and here, we are ready to go with this journey email content.
the same is applicable to campaigns. So if I go under the campaigns, I can also edit content here.
When editing the email body, I will be presented with the same screen, where I can, here, select a template, under the saved templates. I will be able to preview it again, and I will be able to select this. Once I do that, I’m also able to edit this content, and any edits that I’m performing within this campaign will not affect the original content template.
So in this case, let’s say, you know, I want to do some modifications. So, I want to delete this section, and I’m working on this content, and, at some point, I’m thinking, this content of this campaign could be reused for other campaigns or other journeys. In this case, I have the option, here, to say, save as a content template, and I can give another name here, and save this again, for later reuse on other journeys or other campaigns. This will be visible, back in my inventory, here.
So, this is the newly created content template.
So, in summary, content templates makes it easy for marketers and content managers to build highly-reusable content, outside of any campaign or journeys. A content manager can build content templates without having access to journeys and campaigns.
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Journey Optimizer
- Journey Optimizer Tutorials
- Use Cases
- Introduction to Journey Optimizer
- Campaigns
- Journeys
- Journey Designer - Overview
- Discover the new Journey Designer
- Introduction to building a journey
- Use case - Transactional journey
- Use case - Business event
- Use case - Read audience
- Use case - Audience qualification
- Create a test profile
- Publish a journey
- Update content in a live journey
- Copy a journey to another sandbox
- Profiles, audiences, and subscriptions
- Channels
- Content Management
- Personalize content
- Personalization editor - Overview
- Profile and audience membership-based personalization
- Add offers as personalization
- Use contextual event information for personalization
- Use helper functions for personalization
- Use and manage saved expressions in the personalization library
- Create dynamic content with the condition rule builder
- Decision Capabilities
- Data Management
- Report and monitor
- Configuration
- Access Control
- Data Governance and Privacy
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