Create a web campaign
Last update: May 3, 2024
- Topics:
- Web Channel
- Beginner
- User
Understand what a web campaign is. Learn how to configure the web campaign properties, review, and publish it.

My name is Robert Kalanju and I’m product manager for Adobe Journey Optimizer. This video will show you how to create a web campaign in Adobe Journey Optimizer. In order for you to follow along this tutorial, you will need to be pre-configured and enabled for web channel on Adobe Journey Optimizer. Please check with your administrator or refer to the documentation if you have questions. With Web Action inside Adobe Journey Optimizer, you are able to engage with all the visitors of your web properties. You can optimize and personalize web experiences. In this tutorial, I will walk you through the creation, review, and publishing of a web campaign. Deep dive into the web campaign creation. To do that, we need to navigate to Campaigns, and here you’ll see the list of all the campaigns filtered down by status or by channel type or campaign type. And what I’ll do, I’ll hit Create Campaign button, and here I will select the Web Action. And when doing that, you’ll notice that there are two options, a page URL or pages matching rule. And I will explain what each of them does. The first one, like the page URL, you need to enter the URL of the web page you want to modify and the page where the changes need to be applied. For page matching rules, you’re going to want to use this option when you have use cases where a certain change needs to be applied across multiple pages. For example, if you want to send out a personalized offer across all your pages that contain in the URL the product, like Photoshop for example, you’ll be able to set this rule and then all the pages containing Photoshop from will receive the changes that you want. For the purpose of this demo, I will just use a single page URL and I’ll hit Create. Now we landed on the campaign properties and I’ll give it a name, New Web Campaign for Motion. When creating the campaign, the default audience is set to all visitors that are opening up your web page, but you can modify that and you can select any type of audience that you have already built. And now I select NotLumaMembers. The identity namespace by default for web is ECID, but you will be able to use any namespace that you have configured. This is the action, Web Action and the settings. Here, if you want to modify the surface, you can do it. And the scheduling part is similar with the other channels. Like you can either decide to activate the campaign manually or decide to do it on a specific date and time. So for example, if you want to activate the campaign on 1st of May, you can do that. And the campaign end will be when it stopped manually. The next thing you need to do would be to edit content, but this will be treated in a different video. And now let’s say that I have the content created. Before putting the campaign live, you will need to go and review the changes that were made. And in this screen, we’ll see the campaign properties, the audience that was selected, the web action and its surface, the scheduling, and we will see also an inline preview of the web experience. If we want to see a personalized preview, we can use the simulate content, which opens up a new view where you can select one or multiple test profiles. And the experience will be personalized based on the profile attribute of the selected test profile. In the personalized preview, you have two other options, copy test URL and open in browser, which you can use to share QA links to your colleagues or stakeholders. So the experience can be previewed on different browsers or resolutions. After you make sure that the preview looks fine, you can close this and you can hit activate. The campaign is activated at once if you decide to do so, but if you scheduled it, then it will be activated at the scheduled time. And you’ll see the changes live on your website as soon as the campaign goes to live state. Thank you.
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- Personalization editor - Overview
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- Add offers as personalization
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- Create dynamic content with the condition rule builder
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