Create and manage sandboxes

Understand what sandboxes are and how to distinguish between development and production sandboxes. Learn how to create, reset, and delete sandboxes.

In this video, we’ll explain the role of sandboxes in Adobe Journey Optimizer and show you how to create and manage sandboxes. Sandboxes in Journey Optimizer allow you to create isolated environments, allowing for the use exploration and experimentation of Journey Optimizer features without adversely affecting your production environment. There are two types of sandboxes supported in Journey Optimizer. A production sandbox is meant to be used with profiles in your production environment. A production sandbox is provided by default when your organization is provisioned with Journey Optimizer. You have the option of creating multiple production sandboxes in scenarios where you want to maintain clear separation of the data and operations for distinct lines of business, brands, projects, or regions. The development sandbox is an environment meant for development and testing with non-production profiles. Each sandbox maintains its own independent library of resources, including schemas and datasets, profiles and segments, messages and journeys. Permissions to manage sandboxes and access to Journey Optimizer functionality within each sandbox is managed through the Adobe admin console.
When a user with sandbox management permissions clicks on sandboxes from the left navigation, you’ll see a list of sandboxes that you have access to. To create a new sandbox, click Create sandbox.
To decide which type of sandbox you want to create, development or production. We’ll do a development sandbox.
And then give it a name. This will be the name used within the system to identify your sandbox and a friendly title.
And when you’re done click Create to create your new sandbox.
To switch between sandboxes in the journey optimizer UI, you can use the sandbox switcher in the upper left. We’re currently in the production sandbox, but you can see other sandboxes that I have access to and can switch to from the switcher.
Notice for example, while I’m here in the production sandbox, I can click on journeys and see all the journeys that have been created in this production sandbox.
When I clicked to my new Luma development sandbox, there’s nothing there that’s because it’s a brand-new sandbox and we haven’t added anything into it yet. Once you’ve created a new sandbox, you can start loading data sets and schemas, create journeys and so forth to experiment with any of the potential use cases, data sources, and so forth that you want to set up in Journey Optimizer before setting them up in your production environment. A few more things for managing sandboxes. If I click back on sandboxes again and go back to the list of existing sandboxes.
If at any point you want to clear out the data and resources that you’ve been experimenting with, you can go to sandboxes, select the development sandbox you’ve been working in and do a sandbox reset.
You’ll see a couple of warnings to make sure you really want to do this, but if you go through the process and reset the sandbox, then it will be completely erased and you’ll be able to start fresh with a blank slate. Similarly, you can delete a sandbox that you’re no longer going to be using from the same area of the UI. And now you know how to create and manage sandboxes in Journey Optimizer. -