Channel level reports

Learn how to access, navigate, and export reports on the channel level. For more information, please visit the Channel Reports documentation.

Hello everyone, welcome to the today’s demo session where we will be exploring exciting features of channel level reporting. Imagine you are a marketer and you are handling various journeys and campaigns for email channel. If you want to review a report specifically for email sent out last week, this is where the solution comes into play, the channel level report. Accessing channel level report is as simple as clicking on the report tab. The report tab will be visible if you have necessary permission. Upon entering the report, we have a list of all the available channels on the left. On the top, we have export report functionality as well as few filters. We will go through each of them one by one. Let’s go through email channel report first. Let’s first see the date filter. Thus default date range selected is last 7 days. However, you can select any date range of our choice for your analysis. The next filter is action filter. In action filter, you can select journey or campaign. Say suppose you want to see the email report for only journey, you can select journey from here and see the data. You can analyze the data of your choice. Let’s see what all widgets are available within the email channel. The first two widgets are email, sending statistic and tracking statistic. Here we can see all the metrics for the email channel. We can switch to absolute numbers from this filter here. And we can switch back to rate metrics by selecting this percent sign. Next we have time series graph. This is the sending statistic graph over time and next is tracking statistic graph over time. We can select any granularity from this switcher. We can select day granularity. That means we can select this time series graph day wise as well as we can select week or month granularity where we can see the data of respective granularity. Next we have some bounce reasons graph, error reasons, excluded reasons graph. Similarly, we have various representation for this data. You can switch back to any representation of your choice. Next we have sent and delivered by domain. Similarly, bounce and errors by domain. This is the email channel report. Additionally, you can lay around this widget by clicking on modify. You can rearrange the widget, you can resize the widget, you can delete any widget from here. Also, you can export this widget and create a PDF from it. So, this is a PDF view of the email channel. Let me go to push channel. So, this is a push channel report. Almost all the widgets are similar like email channel. Just the matrix are push related matrix. We have total sending statistic widget, total tracking statistic widget, time series graph, error reasons, excluded reasons and some other graphs related to sending status by platform. Similarly, we have the report for SMS channel, inbound channel like in-app and web as well as direct mail. Once you select any filter from this dropdown, this filter remains persistent throughout the report. So, suppose if you go to push channel, this filter remains persistent. Also, if you reload the URL, you will see the selected filters here. I can see I have selected a date range from 1st to 17th. Also, I had selected journey action from here and that is persistent. Also, that’s it.