Live and global reports

Learn the difference between live and global reports, how to access and analyze the Journey and the Message specific reports, and how to modify the report dashboards.


In this tutorial, you will learn how to access and analyze reports in Adobe Journey Optimizer. You’ll find two types of reports in Journey Optimizer. The live reports allow you to manage real-time use cases. You can view journeys and message execution in real time. This allows you to ensure events are successfully executed and the messages are delivered.

Global reports allow you to analyze historical data and break it down into various dimensions, to give you an overall feedback on the effectiveness of your journey. For example, you could compare data from different reporting dimensions across different time durations. Like the last three days, last months, quarters, or years. With that in mind, I’m going to show you how the reporting works in the product.

As I mentioned, you can report on the journeys and message level. To access the reporting, navigate to journeys, and then click on the journey you would like to analyze.

On the top right of the canvas, you can see two buttons that allow you to access the two reports. The live report, and the global report. Let’s look at the live report first. So, click on live report and you’ll see a new tab opens.

For this particular journey, the hello world journey, we are looking at live data from the past 24 hours. And it refreshes every minute. You will find three different tabs. The first tab journey, show it’s all events, actions and the number of people who have entered the journey and which paths were taken.

The second tab email shows data related to the email channel if email is used in this journey. It shows all the common metrics such as send, delivered, bounce, opens and clicks.

The third tab push, shows you the different metrics related to the push channel if push has been used in the journey.

Let’s look at the journey tab first, within the journey tab, you will see different widgets related to the number of people who entered that journey.

The first diagram is the Sankey diagram. This diagram visualizes the journey in real time, as well as the number of people going through the difference ages, the different notes of the journey.

The second widget shows statistics around the number of people who entered and how many exited the journey as well as how many journeys failed in the last 24 hours.

The line graph visualizes the number of events that were executed, below is the number of events received wage event and the number of actions that have been executed. In this case, we have three different actions within this journey. One is a message, and two different actions for sending messages to slack.

You can click on one of the lines to focus and most over to see the number of actions executed at a certain period of time during the last 24 hours. And you have some breakdown visualization about action, actions executed and the errors, as well as a table with the detailed data breakdown.

Below, you can see the error reasons and you have the error type by action as well.

On the email tab, you can see if the email messages have been sent and delivered successfully.

So after launching my journey, I can immediately go to the email tab and see how many messages have been sent, how many have been delivered, how many have bounced and or had errors, and even the opens and clicks. You will see the number of hard and soft bounces.

A line graph across the different metrics, the different bounce reasons available for this email, the different error reasons. And the top recipient domains in which case we have Yahoo, and Gmail. Of course, that list will be longer the more recipient domains you have.

Then here, you can see a pie chart with different bounce categories.

We retrieve the same kind of metrics for push notifications.

But here each of these metrics is also broken down by platform, Apple and Android.

You can modify the dashboard, you can resize the widgets.

You can move the widgets within the UI.

Once you’re satisfied with a new layout, you can save this. The layout will then be saved for the current user only meaning, I will be the only one seeing the dashboard in this layout. No other user will be impacted by this modification, it is specific to my user.

You can also remove widgets. Let me remove this one and save the new layout.

To reset the layout, click the reset button that will revert it back to the default layout.

Now let’s go back to the journey and take a look at the second type of report. The global report. This one allows you to see the same metrics and dimensions as live report. So, we have the same tabs.

In addition, we have information about the data freshness. The data freshness is about 90 minutes. And as you can see here, there’s a timestamp with the date and time when the data was updated the last time.

Again, you see the same kind of widgets, like the ones we saw in the live report, but there are two main differences. One, is you have an option to select the time range.

The second difference to the live report is that you have all the rates. So, the delivery rate, the number of messages, successfully delivered over the entire period.

Bounce rate, you have more metrics around opens and clicks such as unique opens, unique clicks, the open rate, click-through rates and more visualization across the different metrics.

And again, you have the top recipient domain, the bounce rate, the delivery rate, so that you can identify which performed best.

For push notifications, you have the same type of widgets with a different rate for the different push notifications.

This is the journey dashboard, where at the journey level, where we focus on journey, email and push. As a journey can contain multiple messages, you can see in this case, we have three different messages. You can drill down into each specific message. So, in this case, let’s take an email.

An email can be used in multiple journeys, here we’re looking at the data of one specific instance of this email, the one that is used within this journey. You can see that we’re looking at the instance used in the hello world journey. And in this case, the version one of the journey and the message node.

What you see here are the main KPIs such as send, delivery rate, bounce rate, error rate, open rate, click rate, spam complaint rate and unsubscribe rate. And again, we have the different graphics and tables detailing these statistics.

We have a line graph for unique clicks and unique opens. As you know, in an email, you can add multiple links. Here you can see the top performing URLs with the number of clicks.

And we have the same kind of dashboard for push notifications.

The second level of reporting is called message level report. In the message within the execution tab, you can access a table where you can monitor all the different messages that have been executed.

The live view here allows you to see the different messages that have been sent and delivered in the past 24 hours. And if you go to the global view, you’ll be able to see the list of all the messages that are in execution. So currently live and how many have been set.

In this time training instance, we don’t have many executions. So let me scroll down to find one with more data.

Ah, here’s one. I can click on the quick actions and select the global report to take a closer look at the messages delivery. This will show me the email report and I can see the different metrics across different dimensions. Now, you should understand the difference between the live and the global report and how you can access them. And you should have also learned how to modify the dashboards. Thank you for watching. - -
