Publish a journey and journey statuses
Last update: Mon Jan 29 2024 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
- Topics:
- Journeys
- Beginner
- User
Understand the different states of a journey and the impact of publishing.
In this video, we’ll show you the different states of a journey in Adobe Journey Optimizer and how you can publish a journey when you’re ready to launch it to your users. The learning objectives in this video are to explain the different states of a journey and describe the impact of publishing. Here in Journey Optimizer, we have a list of journeys that have been set up previously. You can see the status of the journeys in this column here and note that several are in different states. By clicking on the filter, I’m going to show you all the different statuses that a journey can have. I’ll go through them one by one and explain how they work. The top one here means closed. No new user can enter this journey, but profiles that have already entered the journey will continue through it. Draft means that no one can enter the journey, as it’s still being built and is not ready for users. Draft Test means that the journey has been put into test mode, and you can enter with a test profile and validate how the experience looks. Finished means that the journey is not available for anyone. It means that the schedule of the journey has expired and no one can enter. Live means the journey is up, people are entering, and anyone that qualifies will go through the journey. Stopped means that no new users can join the journey, and anyone that was in the journey is immediately dropped out of it. Now let’s click into one of these journeys and we can show you how to change its status. I’ll go ahead and click this dropdown in the top right, and I can see my different options for changing the status of this journey. If I choose Close to New Entrances, the people that are in this journey will continue until they end the journey or the journey reaches its scheduled end date, and no new profiles will enter this journey. Create a New Version, as the name suggests, will create a new version of this journey, and the prior version will continue to allow new profiles to enter the journey until you publish the most recent version. Upon publication, new profiles that qualify will join the new journey, and all the prior profiles that were already in the old journey will continue to remain in that old journey until they exit. Duplicate means that you’re creating a completely separate copy of this journey, and will essentially act the same as a new journey that you created from scratch. And finally, Stop will put this journey into the Stop state, which will cause the journey to eject all existing profiles, as well as stop any new profiles from entering. So those are all the different statuses for journeys in Adobe Journey Optimizer. For the latest information on available journey statuses, please refer to the documentation. Thanks for watching.