Create a code-based experience campaign
Last update: Fri Jun 14 2024 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
- Topics:
- Code-based Experiences
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- User
Learn how to create a code-based experience campaign to scale personalization with support for server-side, API-based, or SDK-based implementation methods to seamlessly integrate with development environments.
Hello, my name is Robert Calanjiu and I’m product manager for Adobe Journey Optimizer. In this video, I will show you how you can create a Codebase Experience campaign. Codebase Experience action inside Adobe Journey Optimizer enables you to engage with all your visitors across any inbound properties, no matter what type of implementation you have. This action gives you flexibility in terms of what type of content you can deliver, like URL or JSON, and you can optimize and personalize inbound experiences across a multitude of services like web pages, mobile apps, desktop apps, TV connected devices, QoSks, ATM, and so on. I’m going to demo Codebase Experience channel in Adobe Journey Optimizer. Let’s say I’m a marketer of the BGTV app and I would like to target the subscribers that are on the basic package and have their contract one year anniversary this month. BGTV app is a streaming application where you can watch your favorite content. In order to do this, I will go to Adobe Journey Optimizer campaigns and I will create a new campaign. Since my BGTV app has like a server-side implementation based on AP Edge Network APIs, I will use the Codebase Experience channel in order to personalize the experience. My developer informed me about the services available for personalization inside this app and one of the services that I can use is the following and I will target the experience content location. I’ll hit create and in this campaign, let’s give it quickly a name, one year anniversary campaign. I will select the audience that I built one year anniversary on the basic package and I will actually want to experiment between two different authors. So I will choose the success metric as inbound unique clicks and I’ll do just a simple AB test with 50-50 split. I’ll create the experiment and then I’ll just go ahead and edit the content. For the content, I’ll start with treatment A, I’ll hit edit code and here you’ll see that the Codebase Experience channel leverages all the personalization editor of AGL and has all the personalization capabilities like profile attributes, audiences, helper functions, fragments and so on. So what I’ll do for this demo is I’ll just start with a greeting like a quick div and congratulations and I’ll use the full name of the subscriber and then my team already created some expression fragments, HTML expression fragments for me with these two offers and before inserting them into my Codebase Experience, let’s have a quick look. So as you can see, I have an image with one year anniversary celebration and then I have a message and giving you two months of preview package for free and the call to action button. So I’m okay with that. I’ll insert this here and I’ll hit save and close. Then I can go to treatment B and do a similar thing. Let’s say I don’t do the greetings anymore. I’ll just go to the fragments. I’ll check the fragments. It’s another image and another offer like we’re offering premium package at a lower price just this month and another call to action button. So I’ll insert this here and I can save and close. Now I have the two treatments with the content that I want to be delivered and I have here my service including the location where this will be delivered. I’ll just go ahead and click review to activate and I can double check here that all the details are correct and then I’ll activate the campaign. Now if I go in my TV app and I will log in with a test profile, I should be able to see one of the treatments that I’ve configured earlier in my code experience campaign. So I’m going to log in and here you’ll see I have these sections of the app and this is the section that I personalize. A name, the image and the offer.