Use and manage saved expressions in the personalization library
Learn how to use saved personalization library items in a message and how to create and manage personalization library items.
Save and reuse content snippets in the personalization library greatly enhances efficiency when creating new messages.
In this video, we’ll learn how to use items in the personalization library? And how to add new items to the library? As well as how to manage and delete different saved items in the library? Let’s take a look.
In this example, I have message that I want to populate with some different content components that I’d rather not design from scratch. I have a few sections that can include custom HTML and personalization. I click on the section and then I click the edit HTML tool. From here, I’m brought into the personalization editor and I can select the library and view previously saved items.
From here, I can click the information button to see a preview of the content that is stored within this library item and a description. And I choose the content block that I want to add to my active message. I’m going to choose this Order Confirmation Block. I’m going to click Save, and I can see that it’s now added to my message. Next, let’s take a look at how you would save a new library item? I’ve logged into Journey Optimizer with a different user that I’ve given permission rights to manage the library. Now, when I click on the button to go into personalization, I see that I have an Add to Library button at the bottom of my toolbar. I’m going to paste-in customer address block that I want to save as a new snippet. I can choose to either highlight a portion of this content to save to the library or take the entire window. So I’m going to go ahead and click, Add to Library and give it a new name and description.
Once I click Add, I’ll see a green confirmation check letting me know that it’s been saved to the library.
Clicking on the Library will show that it has been added to this list. And I can choose now to use this, if I wanted to. What’s also important to note is that users that have access to add items to the library can also delete them, by going into the ellipsis.
Let’s take a look at how I would give user groups permission to manage the library.
In the admin console, I’ve navigated to the experienced platform product profiles. I can see the various user groups in the system. Clicking on one of these groups. I can click on the Permissions tab. And if I so choose, I can go down to the Journey Optimizer Library and give this group the permit to manage library items. Without this permission, users will still be able to use library items, but they will not have the ability to add or delete or manage those library items.
In summary, you should now be able to use personalization library items and with the right permissions, save and manage new library items. Thanks for watching. -